DS_Status DS_AttrVal_GetStringPointer(const DS_AttrVal *value, const char **str_p, size_t *str_len_p)
Return a pointer to the stored LDAPv3 format string encoding.
DS_Status DS_AttrList_Append(DS_AttrList *attrlist, const DS_Attr *attr)
Append an attribute to an Attribute list.
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_RegenerateBER(const DS_AttrVal *value, DS_AttrVal **copy_p)
Regenerate the attribute value via BER.
const DS_Attr * DS_AttrList_GetNext(const DS_Attr *attr)
Get the next attribute in a list.
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_Compare(const DS_AttrVal *av1, const DS_AttrVal *av2, int *res_p)
Compare two DS_AttrVal values.
DS_Status DS_Attr_AddBERValue(DS_Attr *attr, const unsigned char *ber, size_t len)
Add a new BER value to a DS_Attr.
DS_Status DS_Attr_GetTypeName(const DS_Attr *attr, const char **str_p)
Return the type name of a given attribute.
DS_Status DS_Attr_AddStringValue(DS_Attr *attr, const char *str, size_t len)
Add a new string value to a DS_Attr.
DS_Status DS_Entry_GetAttrList(const DS_Entry *entry, const DS_AttrList **attr_list_p)
Get the entry attribute list.
const DS_AttrVal * DS_AttrValList_GetNext(const DS_AttrVal *value)
Get the next attribute in a list.
DS_Status DS_Entry_GetNamedAttr(const DS_Entry *entry, const char *type, const DS_Attr **attr_p)
Get the named attribute from an attribute list.
void DS_AttrValList_Delete(DS_AttrValList *av_list)
Free a DS_AttrValList structure.
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_Copy(const DS_AttrVal *av, DS_AttrVal **copy_p)
Copy a DS_AttrVal structure.
DS_Status DS_Attr_New_AllowUnknown(const char *name, DS_Attr **attr_p)
Create a new DS_Attr structure, allowing unknown attribute-types.
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_Normalize(const DS_AttrVal *value)
Normalize the value in a DS_AttrVal.
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_Internal_Delete(const DS_AttrVal *value, void *ir)
Delete a pointer to the internal representation of a value.
DS_Status DS_AttrList_Copy(const DS_AttrList *attr_list, DS_AttrList **copy_p)
Copy a DS_AttrList structure.
DS_Status DS_AttrValList_GetCount(const DS_AttrValList *value_list, int *count_p)
Count the attribute values in a list.
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_GetBERPointer(const DS_AttrVal *value, const unsigned char **ber_ptr_p, size_t *ber_len_p)
Return a pointer to the stored BER encoding.
DS_Status DS_Attr_GetValueList(const DS_Attr *attr, const DS_AttrValList **val_list_p)
Get an attribute's value list.
const DS_AttrVal * DS_AttrValList_GetFirst(const DS_AttrValList *value_list)
Get the first attribute in a list.
void DS_AttrList_Delete(DS_AttrList *attr_list)
Free a DS_AttrList structure (and all elements).
DS_Status DS_AttrVal_GetInternal(const DS_AttrVal *value, const void **ir_p)
Verify that the contents of a DS_AttrVal have a valid internal representation, and optionally return ...
Symbolic constants used in the Directory Service API.
DS_Status DS_Attr_IsUnknown(DS_Attr *attr, int *is_unknown_p)
Check to see if a DS_Attr has an unknown attribute-type.
DS_Status DS_Entry_GetModList(const DS_Entry *entry, const DS_AttrList **mod_list_p)
Get the change-entry's modification list.
const DS_Attr * DS_AttrList_GetFirst(const DS_AttrList *attr_list)
Get the first attribute in an attribute list.
DS_Status DS_Attr_GetModType(const DS_Attr *attr, DSModType *type_p)
Return the modification type of a given attribute.
Directory API type definitions and forward declarations of private types.
DS_Status DS_AttrValList_Copy(const DS_AttrValList *av_list, DS_AttrValList **copy_p)
Copy a DS_AttrValList structure.
DS_Status DS_AttrList_New(DS_AttrList **attrlist_p, const DS_Attr *attr)
Create a new Attribute list. Initially the list contains a single Attribute.