Isode Messaging X.400 APIs

Summary: Isode provides a number of APIs which allow integrators and product developers to build components that access the Isode Messaging server products or other products supporting the same protocols.

Isode R19.0v18 Messaging X.400 APIs

Isode provide a number of Messaging APIs which enable integrators to develop complementary components to work with the Isode Server products. This page describes the APIs available to writers of Messaging User Agents (UAs).

X.400 API language support

X.400 Client API XX X
Isode X.400 Gateway API XX X
Open Group X.400 Gateway APIX  

Open Group X.400 Gateway API

Isode provide support for an implementation of the Open Group Standardized API

This enables application writers to develop Gateway Applications using this standardized API.

Technical information on the Open Group Gateway API and what is needed to use the API is available. In addition example applications and Isode extensions to the Open Group standard are also available. See Open Group Gateway API Technical Specification

Isode X.400 API Families

There are two families of Isode X.400 APIs

Security Label Support Functions

There are some support functions to help application writers insert and extract Security Labels from Objects presented by the APIs.

These are described here: Security Label Functions

Style of API

The Isode specified APIs use an object-oriented style, and rely on arguments which are

This approach facilitates support in multiple languages. The Isode APIs share common definitions where appropriate.

Programming Language Support

Support for programming languages are as follows:

API Documentation

Descriptions on overall use is provided for all APIs. The Isode 'C' and Java APIs have detailed API documentation that is auto-generated from the API implementation. The Open Group X.400 Gateway API is externally specified. Isode documents how to use this API and Isode's extensions to the standard API.

There are examples of use of all of the APIs in each language (except for the Open Group API which is only available in C). Because the API functionality is broadly language independent, the examples in other languages may be helpful.

Isode also makes available (for a small fee) the Java source code to XUXA the demonstration X.400 User Agent, that uses the X.400 Client API. This provides a complete application and also an example of building a higher level Java API on the base API.

X.400 P3/P7 API Technical Specification

X.400 Gateway API Technical Specification

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