Isode Messaging APIs

Summary: Isode provides an API which allows Switch Operations and Management (SOM) Clients to be written by customers and 3rd parties.

Isode R19.0v18 SOM Messaging APIs


SOM servers available are

The main components of the SOM API for M-Switch Queue Manager are:

The main components of the SOM API for M-Store are:

The SOM API can be used to manage the M-Switch ACP127 Channel however Isode recommend the use of the MHFCM API to do this.

See for details.

The C SOM API is described at

The Java SOM API is described at

Using the SOM APIs

Having installed the Isode M-Switch product, you can use the SOM APIs using C, Java and Tcl language bindings.

C Bindings

The example C code is in

See isode-c-soma.html for details.

Java Bindings

The example Java code is in

See som-java-api for details.

Tcl Bindings

There are no example SOM Tcl applications.

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