Isode Messaging APIs
Summary: Isode provides an API which allows Switch Operations and Management (SOM) Clients to be written by customers and 3rd parties.Isode R19.0v18 SOM Messaging APIs
SOM servers available are
- Switch Queue Manager
- M-Switch ACP127 channel
- M-Store
The main components of the SOM API for M-Switch Queue Manager are:
- EventViewing: an API allowing the viewing of events logged by M-Switch of its operations
- Queue Viewing: an API providing access to information about the MTA's queues
- Queue Manager Operations: an API allowing operations such as restarting the qmgr,or clearing delays.
- Message Resubmission: an API allowing messages in quarantine or archive to be resubmitted.
- Message Viewing: an API allowing messages in an M-Switch repository to be vewied. Available repositories are : the live queue; the archive; the quarantine.
- X.400 P1 ping: an API which causes the x400p1 channel on the MTA to check P1 connectivity with another MTA
The main components of the SOM API for M-Store are:
- Messages: an API for examining messages in M-Store
- Connections: an API for examining connections in M-Store
- Mailboxes: an API for examining mailboxes in M-Store
The SOM API can be used to manage the M-Switch ACP127 Channel however Isode recommend the use of the MHFCM API to do this.
See for details.
The C SOM API is described at
The Java SOM API is described at
Using the SOM APIs
Having installed the Isode M-Switch product, you can use the SOM APIs using C, Java and Tcl language bindings.
C Bindings
The example C code is in
- Unix: /opt/isode/share/soma/example/c
- Windows: C:\Isode\share\soma\example\c
See isode-c-soma.html for details.
Java Bindings
The example Java code is in
- Unix: /opt/isode/lib/java/classes/somExamples
- Windows: C:\Program\Files\Isode\lib\java\classes\somExamples
- Unix: /opt/isode/lib/java/classes/acp142Examples
- Windows: C:\Program\Files\Isode\lib\java\classes\acp142Examples
See som-java-api for details.
Tcl Bindings
There are no example SOM Tcl applications.