Summary: Isode components write to logging streams when events occur.
Facility DSA_GEN
General and common errors.
Name | Severity | ID | Description | Action |
AddressConfigError | error | 46 | Could not bind to a remote DSA as a suitable address was not found in the configuration. | Check that a peer configuration entry for the given DSA DN is present and valid. |
AliasLoopDetected | error | 44 | An alias loop was detected. This happens when the alias resolution procedure detects an alias DN a second time. | Check the data for alias values containing the given DN value and fix any looping. |
AttrDescParseErr | error | 21 | An unrecognized attribute type description was received. | |
AttributeError | warning | 12 | ||
AttrParseFail | error | 14 | An invalid attribute string was encountered. Check earlier or later log messages for further context. | |
ConfigDataError | error | 43 | An error occurred while reading or updating the configuration database. | |
ConfigEntryNotFound | error | 41 | An expected configuration entry was not found in the configuration database. | |
DecodeFailed | error | 28 | An internal ASN.1 decode operation failed. | No operator action. |
DirOpenFail | error | 10 | The server failed to open the named directory. | |
DirRemoveFail | error | 42 | The server failed to remove the named directory. | |
DirStatFail | error | 15 | The server failed to stat the named directory. | |
DNParseErr | error | 18 | An invalid DN was received. | |
DsaITCacheUpdateFail | error | 4 | The DSA knowledge cache could not be updated. | |
EncodeFailed | error | 27 | An internal ASN.1 encode operation failed. | No operator action. |
FileLockErr | error | 38 | Failed to take a lock on the given file. | No operator action. |
FileLockLosing | info | 39 | About to lose lock on the given file. | No operator action. |
FileOpenFail | error | 5 | The server failed to open the named file. | |
FileReadFail | error | 8 | The server failed to read from the named file. | |
FileWriteFail | error | 9 | The server failed to write to the named file. | |
HTTPError | error | 48 | An error occurred during processing of an HTTP request. | Error specific. |
HTTPResourceError | error | 49 | An error occurred while handling a HTTP resource or its configuration. | Error specific. |
InternalError | error | 25 | An internal error occurred. | Please report to |
InvalidAccessPoint | error | 33 | An access point was invalid and so unusable for chaining. | No operator action. |
InvalidAdminPoint | error | 31 | An administrative point was found to be invalid, and the source add/modify operation was rejected. | No operator action. |
InvalidConfig | error | 40 | A change to the configuration is invalid and was rejected for the reason provided. | |
InvalidDSEType | error | 30 | An attempt to add or modify an entry DSE type was rejected as it would lead to a schema inconsistency. | No operator action. |
InvalidFilter | warning | 7 | An invalid search filter was encountered. | |
InvalidOperation | warning | 55 | A directory or system operation was rejected because it is invalid. | |
InvalidProcArgs | error | 3 | Missing or invalid arguments to a proecdure. | |
LibCallErr | error | 16 | A call to a library function failed. | |
ManageDsaITNotSet | warning | 13 | An add operation is performing a manageDSAIT operation but that service option is not set. | |
MemAllocFailed | fatal | 23 | This is a fatal error, most probably due to the system running out of memory. | Check system memory and process memory usage. |
MissingConfig | error | 2 | A configuration item was not found. The missing configuration is included in the message, along with any context. | |
MissingVersion1Bit | error | 26 | A bind operation did not contain the mandatory version 1 protocol bit. | No operator action. |
ModifyIntroducesSchemaErrors | error | 32 | A modify operations was rejected as it introduces schema errors. | No operator action. |
ObjectClassError | error | 29 | An add or modify operation results in an erroneous object class value. The operation was rejected. | No operator action. |
OCSPError | error | 50 | An error occurred while processing an OCSP request or data. | Error specific. |
OCSPWarning | warning | 51 | A non-fatal error occurred while processing an OCSP request or data. | Error specific. |
PagedResultsTimeOut | info | 47 | A paged results context was timed out. The next paged results request for this context will fail in error. | Set the value of isodePagedResultsTimeout in 'cn=core,cn=config' to an appropriate value. |
RDNError | error | 35 | An add or modify of an entry failed as the resulting RDN violates the schema. | No operator action. |
RDNParseErr | error | 19 | An invalid RDN was processed. | |
RequestedName | warning | 6 | A requested DN was not found in a change log. | |
SchemaError | error | 52 | An error was found in the processing of or operations on the directory information. This may be due, for example, to an existing schema error or due to an operation that would result in invalid data. | Error specific. |
SchemaWarning | warning | 53 | A non-fatal error was found in the processing of or operations on the directory information. This may be due, for example, to an existing schema error or due to an operation that would result in invalid data. | Error specific. |
SubentryUpdateError | error | 34 | An add or modify of a subentry failed as the resulting entry violates the subentry schema rules. | No operator action. |
SyntaxParseErr | fatal | 22 | An unrecognized attribute syntax was encountered. | |
SysCallErr | error | 17 | A system call failed. | |
TimeOut | warning | 54 | A directory or system operation timed out. | |
UnavailableCriticalExtension | info | 45 | A user requested an X.500 extension that is critical, but which is one that M-Vault does not support. | Check the user's client is operating correctly. |
UnknownAttrType | error | 1 | An unrecognized attribute type has been encountered. Additional detail may describe the error context. | |
UnknownObjectClass | error | 11 | An unrecognized object class has been encountered. Additional detail may describe the error context. | |
UnsupportedRequest | error | 24 | Unsupported LDAP request received. | No operator action. |
ValParseErr | error | 20 | An invalid attribute value was received. | |
ValPrintErr | error | 36 | An error occurred while converting an attribute value to a string representation. | No operator action. |
- Message Text
- type=%1, context:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- Attribute type.
- Context.
- Description
- An unrecognized attribute type has been encountered. Additional detail may describe the error context.
- Action
- Message Text
- missing configuration %1, context %2
- Parameters
- Configuration item.
- Detail.
- Description
- A configuration item was not found. The missing configuration is included in the message, along with any context.
- Action
- Message Text
- invalid arguments to %1, detail %2
- Parameters
- Procedure.
- Detail.
- Description
- Missing or invalid arguments to a proecdure.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to update the DsaIT cache.
- Description
- The DSA knowledge cache could not be updated.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to open file %1
- Parameters
- Description
- The server failed to open the named file.
- Action
- Message Text
- %1 requested name %2 not in change log
- Parameters
- context
- dn
- Description
- A requested DN was not found in a change log.
- Action
- Message Text
- detail:%1
- Parameters
- Detail
- Description
- An invalid search filter was encountered.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to read from file %1
- Parameters
- Description
- The server failed to read from the named file.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to write to file %1
- Parameters
- Description
- The server failed to write to the named file.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to open directory %1
- Parameters
- Description
- The server failed to open the named directory.
- Action
- Message Text
- unknown object class %1, caused error when %2
- Parameters
- Object class.
- Detail.
- Description
- An unrecognized object class has been encountered. Additional detail may describe the error context.
- Action
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\", type=%2, detail:\"%3\"
- Parameters
- DN
- Attribute type
- Detail.
- Description
- Action
- Message Text
- add entry requires manageDSAIT, target: %1
- Parameters
- DN.
- Description
- An add operation is performing a manageDSAIT operation but that service option is not set.
- Action
- Message Text
- attr=\"%1\"
- Parameters
- Attribute.
- Description
- An invalid attribute string was encountered. Check earlier or later log messages for further context.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to stat directory %1
- Parameters
- Description
- The server failed to stat the named directory.
- Action
- Message Text
- library function returned error (call:%1, caller:%2, detail:%3)
- Parameters
- Library call.
- Caller.
- Detail.
- Description
- A call to a library function failed.
- Action
- Message Text
- system call returned error (call:%1, caller:%2, detail:%3)
- Parameters
- System call.
- Caller.
- Detail.
- Description
- A system call failed.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to parse DN (DN:\"%1\", err:\"%2\", context:\"%3\")
- Parameters
- DN
- Error
- Context
- Description
- An invalid DN was received.
- Action
- Message Text
- rdn:\"%1\", err:\"%2\", context:\"%3\")
- Parameters
- Error
- Context
- Description
- An invalid RDN was processed.
- Action
- Message Text
- type-or-syntax:\"%1\", val:\"%2\", err:\"%3\", context:\"%4\"
- Parameters
- Type or syntax
- Value
- Error
- Context
- Description
- An invalid attribute value was received.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to parse attribute description (typedesc:\"%1\", context:\"%2\")
- Parameters
- Attribute type description
- Context
- Description
- An unrecognized attribute type description was received.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to parse syntax name (syntax:\"%1\", context:\"%2\") - fatal
- Parameters
- Syntax
- Context
- Description
- An unrecognized attribute syntax was encountered.
- Action
- Message Text
- A memory allocation failed.
- Description
- This is a fatal error, most probably due to the system running out of memory.
- Action
- Check system memory and process memory usage.
- Message Text
- operation:%1, reason:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- Operation
- Reason
- Description
- Unsupported LDAP request received.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- detail:\"%1\"
- Parameters
- Detail
- Description
- An internal error occurred.
- Action
- Please report to
- Message Text
- protocol:%1
- Parameters
- Protocol
- Description
- A bind operation did not contain the mandatory version 1 protocol bit.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- type:%1
- Parameters
- PDU type
- Description
- An internal ASN.1 encode operation failed.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- type:%1
- Parameters
- PDU type
- Description
- An internal ASN.1 decode operation failed.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\", oc:%2, detail:\"%3\"
- Parameters
- DN
- Object class
- Detail
- Description
- An add or modify operation results in an erroneous object class value. The operation was rejected.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\", detail:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- DN
- Detail
- Description
- An attempt to add or modify an entry DSE type was rejected as it would lead to a schema inconsistency.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\", detail:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- DN
- Detail
- Description
- An administrative point was found to be invalid, and the source add/modify operation was rejected.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\"
- Parameters
- DN
- Description
- A modify operations was rejected as it introduces schema errors.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- ap:\"%1\" detail:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- Access point
- Detail
- Description
- An access point was invalid and so unusable for chaining.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\", error:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- DN
- Detail
- Description
- An add or modify of a subentry failed as the resulting entry violates the subentry schema rules.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\", error:\"%2\"
- Parameters
- Detail
- Description
- An add or modify of an entry failed as the resulting RDN violates the schema.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- type:\"%1\"
- Parameters
- Attribute type
- Description
- An error occurred while converting an attribute value to a string representation.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- lockfile:\"%1\", retrying:%2
- Parameters
- Lock file
- Retrying
- Description
- Failed to take a lock on the given file.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- lockfile:\"%1\"
- Parameters
- Lock file
- Description
- About to lose lock on the given file.
- Action
- No operator action.
- Message Text
- param:"%1", reason:"%2"
- Parameters
- Configuration attribute type/item.
- Reason.
- Description
- A change to the configuration is invalid and was rejected for the reason provided.
- Action
- Message Text
- dn:"%1"
- Parameters
- Entry DN.
- Description
- An expected configuration entry was not found in the configuration database.
- Action
- Message Text
- failed to remove directory %1
- Parameters
- Description
- The server failed to remove the named directory.
- Action
- Message Text
- %1
- Parameters
- Detail.
- Description
- An error occurred while reading or updating the configuration database.
- Action
- Message Text
- error at alias DN \"%1\"
- Parameters
- Alias DN
- Description
- An alias loop was detected. This happens when the alias resolution procedure detects an alias DN a second time.
- Action
- Check the data for alias values containing the given DN value and fix any looping.
- Message Text
- requested extension bit %1 (%2) is not supported
- Parameters
- Extension bit number
- Extension name
- Description
- A user requested an X.500 extension that is critical, but which is one that M-Vault does not support.
- Action
- Check the user's client is operating correctly.
- Message Text
- dn:\"%1\" protocol:%1
- Parameters
- Peer
- Protocol
- Description
- Could not bind to a remote DSA as a suitable address was not found in the configuration.
- Action
- Check that a peer configuration entry for the given DSA DN is present and valid.
- Message Text
- assoc:%1
- Parameters
- Association
- Description
- A paged results context was timed out. The next paged results request for this context will fail in error.
- Action
- Set the value of isodePagedResultsTimeout in 'cn=core,cn=config' to an appropriate value.
- Message Text
- client:%1 error="%2"
- Parameters
- Client address
- Error
- Description
- An error occurred during processing of an HTTP request.
- Action
- Error specific.
- Message Text
- resource:%1 error:"%2"
- Parameters
- Resource
- Error
- Description
- An error occurred while handling a HTTP resource or its configuration.
- Action
- Error specific.
- Message Text
- %1
- Parameters
- Error
- Description
- An error occurred while processing an OCSP request or data.
- Action
- Error specific.
- Message Text
- %1
- Parameters
- Warning
- Description
- A non-fatal error occurred while processing an OCSP request or data.
- Action
- Error specific.
- Message Text
- error:%1 detail:%2
- Parameters
- Error
- Detail
- Description
- An error was found in the processing of or operations on the directory information. This may be due, for example, to an existing schema error or due to an operation that would result in invalid data.
- Action
- Error specific.
- Message Text
- error:%1 detail:%2
- Parameters
- Warning
- Detail
- Description
- A non-fatal error was found in the processing of or operations on the directory information. This may be due, for example, to an existing schema error or due to an operation that would result in invalid data.
- Action
- Error specific.
- Message Text
- Operation timeout type:%1 id:%2 reason:%3
- Parameters
- Operation type
- Operation ID
- Reason
- Description
- A directory or system operation timed out.
- Action
- Message Text
- type:%1 id:%2 detail:%3
- Parameters
- Operation type
- Operation ID
- Detail
- Description
- A directory or system operation was rejected because it is invalid.
- Action