Summary: Isode components write to logging streams when events occur.
Facility IOevent
A set of messages from the low-level I/O event handling sub-system
Name | Severity | ID | Description | Action |
AcceptError | error | 114 | An error occurred in accept. | |
AddrType | error | 112 | The socket address specified a family not known to the stream provider. | |
Connected | success | 113 | The stream provider is connected to the peer. | |
ConnectionClosed | notice | 103 | The Peer network entity closed the connection. | |
DupRead | error | 110 | A read request was received by a stream provider, when there was already an outstanding read request. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
DupWrite | error | 111 | A write request was received by a stream provider, when there was already an outstanding write request. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
Inherit | fatal | 118 | In order to pass a connection to another process it has to be made inheritable. This operation failed. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
InvalidParameter | error | 100 | An invalid parameter was received in a request. | |
IoctlError | error | 121 | An error occurred in an ioctl or fcntl operation. | |
IOerror | fatal | 102 | A system error occurred on the connection. | |
Listening | success | 117 | The provider is listening OK | |
ManagerCreated | warning | 2 | An event manager has already been created. This can arise as a result of a race condition between threads. | |
Managertype | fatal | 1 | In attempting to configure an event manager, an unknown event manager type was provided. | Programmer or configuration error |
MissingUser | warning | 104 | A Provider has no user with which it can communicate. This could indicate a race condition when both the connection and the user of the connection are shutting down at the same time. | |
NoPollProvider | fatal | 14 | An I/O Stream needs a Poll Provider, but none has been set up. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
NotConnected | error | 101 | A request for I/O was received when the provider was not connected. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
PDUError | warning | 120 | Additional error from lower layer may provide more details. | |
PDUSent | success | 119 | A flagged PDU has been sent to a lower layer. | |
Pollerror | error | 12 | The call to the given system call returned an error. These should be very unusual, and are probably the result of a system problem, such as resource limitations. | |
PollProviderCreated | warning | 11 | An poll provider has already been created. This can arise as a result of a race condition between threads. | |
PollProvidertype | fatal | 10 | In attempting to configure a poll service provider, an unknown type was supplied. | Programmer or configuration error |
PollRegister | fatal | 15 | Registering the end point with the poll service failed. If the error is -1, then the end point was already registered. Other values are system error numbers. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
Pollthread | fatal | 13 | A serious problem with locking has occurred. This can be fatal to the operation of the I/O polling. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
SSLalready | warning | 219 | An attempt was made to start TLS when TLS had already been started. | |
SSLCAfile | error | 217 | The SSL/TLS system failed loading the trusted CA file. | |
SSLcertdecryptfailed | error | 221 | Could not decrypt the signature in the certificate. | |
SSLcertexpired | error | 224 | The certificate has a validity period in the past. | |
SSLcertnotbefore | error | 225 | The certificate has an invalid date in its notBefore field. | |
SSLcertnotyetvalid | error | 223 | The certificate has a validity period in the future. | |
SSLcertsignature | error | 222 | The certificate's signature could not be verified. | |
SSLcertverify | error | 218 | A certificate in the path failed verification for the reason stated. | |
SSLchaintoolong | error | 229 | The certificate chain was too long. | |
SSLDHfile | error | 215 | A problem was found reading the Diffie-Hellman parameter file. | |
SSLDHparam | error | 216 | There is a problem with a Diffie-Hellman parameter read from the parameter file. | |
SSLentropy | error | 205 | TLS cryptographic random number generator seed data being generated internally. This is probably less secure than you intend, and NOT suitable for production use. | For production use, the configured seed file (name given in the message) should be filled with a sufficient amount of externally-generated cryptographically random data. (This needs to be done only once.) ACCESS CONTROL set on the seed file should prevent all other users reading and writing the file. |
SSLerror | error | 207 | There was an error in an SSL/TLS function. | |
SSLhostname | error | 241 | The name of the server called is not found as a name in the certificate provided by that server. This may indicate a "man in the middle" attack. | |
SSLID | notice | 209 | The SSL/TLS system loaded the identity found in the file. | |
SSLIDerror | error | 208 | There was a failure adding the identity from the given file. | |
SSLIDload | error | 211 | The SSL/TLS system failed loading the ID file. | |
SSLIDloaderror | error | 212 | The SSL/TLS system failed loading the ID file. | |
SSLIDmissing | error | 213 | Could not find the identity file id.p12 in the directory. | |
SSLinvalidCA | error | 230 | The CA's certificate was not valid. | |
SSLinvalidpurpose | error | 232 | The certificate contained a purpose which is not supported. | |
SSLkeyusage | error | 237 | A certificate in the path is not allowed to sign another certificate. | |
SSLleafsignature | error | 228 | The first certificate did not verify. | |
SSLlibinit | error | 204 | Failed to load SSL/TLS library. | |
SSLlocalissuer | error | 227 | The local issuer's certificate was not available. | |
SSLnocert | error | 238 | The configuration requires peer authentication, and no peer certificate was available. | |
SSLnoIDs | notice | 210 | There were no SSL/TLS identities which could be loaded. | |
SSLnoissuercert | error | 220 | Peer authentication was unable to get the issuer certificate. | |
SSLnosuites | error | 206 | There are no cipher suites configured. | |
SSLnotverified | error | 202 | SSL/TLS failed to verify the peer entity. A subordinate message may give more information. | |
SSLnul_in_subject | error | 240 | A certificate with an unacceptable name has been received. The name contains a NUL, and unfortunately (even if that is intended and valid) our software is unable to safely use such names, so we must reject the certificate. | |
SSLOK | success | 200 | SSL/TLS has started correctly. | |
SSLpathlength | error | 231 | The length of the path exceeded the constraint. | |
SSLpreconfig | error | 203 | The first configuration function call failed. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
SSLrejected | error | 234 | The certificate was rejected. | |
SSLrsablinding | notice | 214 | RSA blinding has been disabled. | |
SSLselfsigned | error | 226 | A self signed certificate was found in the chain. | |
SSLserialmismatch | error | 236 | Mistamch with the authority and issuer serial number. | |
SSLsubjectissuer | error | 235 | There was a mismatch with the subject issuer. | |
SSLunknown | error | 239 | The verification failed for some unknown reason. | |
SSLuntrusted | error | 233 | A certificate is not trusted. | |
SSLverified | success | 201 | SSL/TLS has started correctly, and the peer identity identity has been verified. | |
StreamProvidertype | fatal | 116 | In attempting to create a stream provider, an unknown type was supplied. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
Terminating | fatal | 3 | The system is shutting down. | |
UnknownStreamOpt | warning | 115 | A control message was sent to a stream provider with an unknown option. It was ignored. | |
WrongState | fatal | 105 | The provider is not in the correct state for this operation. | Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support. |
- Message Text
- Unknown event manager type: %1
- Parameters
- The type of event manager requested
- Description
- In attempting to configure an event manager, an unknown event manager type was provided.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error
- Message Text
- Event manager already created
- Description
- An event manager has already been created. This can arise as a result of a race condition between threads.
- Action
- Message Text
- System shutting down
- Description
- The system is shutting down.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unknown poll provider type: %1
- Parameters
- The type of poll provider
- Description
- In attempting to configure a poll service provider, an unknown type was supplied.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error
- Message Text
- Poll provider already created
- Description
- An poll provider has already been created. This can arise as a result of a race condition between threads.
- Action
- Message Text
- Poll interface error calling %1
- Parameters
- The system call which returned the error
- Description
- The call to the given system call returned an error. These should be very unusual, and are probably the result of a system problem, such as resource limitations.
- Action
- Message Text
- Poll locking error: %1
- Parameters
- The error code from the pthread call.
- Description
- A serious problem with locking has occurred. This can be fatal to the operation of the I/O polling.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- There is no Poll Provider
- Description
- An I/O Stream needs a Poll Provider, but none has been set up.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Poll Register error: %1
- Parameters
- The error code from the Register call.
- Description
- Registering the end point with the poll service failed. If the error is -1, then the end point was already registered. Other values are system error numbers.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Invalid parameter in request: %1
- Parameters
- The name of the parameter in error
- Description
- An invalid parameter was received in a request.
- Action
- Message Text
- Endpoint is not connected
- Description
- A request for I/O was received when the provider was not connected.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Error occurred on connection in %1
- Parameters
- The operation which failed
- Description
- A system error occurred on the connection.
- Action
- Message Text
- Normal Connection Closure
- Description
- The Peer network entity closed the connection.
- Action
- Message Text
- Provider has no User - cannot communicate
- Description
- A Provider has no user with which it can communicate. This could indicate a race condition when both the connection and the user of the connection are shutting down at the same time.
- Action
- Message Text
- Provider in wrong state
- Description
- The provider is not in the correct state for this operation.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Already reading
- Description
- A read request was received by a stream provider, when there was already an outstanding read request.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Already reading
- Description
- A write request was received by a stream provider, when there was already an outstanding write request.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Unknown socket address family %1
- Parameters
- The value of the sa_family field
- Description
- The socket address specified a family not known to the stream provider.
- Action
- Message Text
- Connected to peer
- Description
- The stream provider is connected to the peer.
- Action
- Message Text
- Error in accept
- Description
- An error occurred in accept.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unknown stream control option %1
- Parameters
- The number of the option.
- Description
- A control message was sent to a stream provider with an unknown option. It was ignored.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unknown stream provider type: %1
- Parameters
- The type of stream provider
- Description
- In attempting to create a stream provider, an unknown type was supplied.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- Listening OK
- Description
- The provider is listening OK
- Action
- Message Text
- Error making socket inheritable
- Description
- In order to pass a connection to another process it has to be made inheritable. This operation failed.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- PDU has been sent
- Description
- A flagged PDU has been sent to a lower layer.
- Action
- Message Text
- Error for PDU
- Description
- Additional error from lower layer may provide more details.
- Action
- Message Text
- Error in ioctl or fcntl
- Description
- An error occurred in an ioctl or fcntl operation.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS handshake OK version=%1, cipher=%2, strength=%3
- Parameters
- SSL version
- Cipher code
- Cipher strength
- Description
- SSL/TLS has started correctly.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS handshake OK version=%1, cipher=%2, strength=%3 with %4
- Parameters
- SSL version
- Cipher code
- Cipher strength
- Peer name
- Description
- SSL/TLS has started correctly, and the peer identity identity has been verified.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS verification failed
- Description
- SSL/TLS failed to verify the peer entity. A subordinate message may give more information.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS preconfiguration failed
- Description
- The first configuration function call failed.
- Action
- Programmer or configuration error. Contact Isode support.
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS library initialization failed
- Description
- Failed to load SSL/TLS library.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS random initialize problem (seedfile=%1), %2
- Parameters
- Name of seed file
- Specific information
- Description
- TLS cryptographic random number generator seed data being generated internally. This is probably less secure than you intend, and NOT suitable for production use.
- Action
- For production use, the configured seed file (name given in the message) should be filled with a sufficient amount of externally-generated cryptographically random data. (This needs to be done only once.) ACCESS CONTROL set on the seed file should prevent all other users reading and writing the file.
- Message Text
- No SSL/TLS cipher suites configured
- Description
- There are no cipher suites configured.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS problem with %1: %2
- Parameters
- Context for error
- Specific information
- Description
- There was an error in an SSL/TLS function.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS could not load identity from %1
- Parameters
- Path for ID file
- Description
- There was a failure adding the identity from the given file.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS loaded identity from %1
- Parameters
- Path for ID file
- Description
- The SSL/TLS system loaded the identity found in the file.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS could not load any identities
- Description
- There were no SSL/TLS identities which could be loaded.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS failed to load identity file %1
- Parameters
- Path for ID file
- Description
- The SSL/TLS system failed loading the ID file.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS failed to load identity file %1, %2
- Parameters
- Path for ID file
- Additional information
- Description
- The SSL/TLS system failed loading the ID file.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS failed to find identity file in %1
- Parameters
- Path for ID file
- Description
- Could not find the identity file id.p12 in the directory.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS has RSA blinding disabled
- Description
- RSA blinding has been disabled.
- Action
- Message Text
- Problem reading DH parameter file %1
- Parameters
- name of file
- Description
- A problem was found reading the Diffie-Hellman parameter file.
- Action
- Message Text
- Problem with DH parameter in file: %1
- Parameters
- error detail
- Description
- There is a problem with a Diffie-Hellman parameter read from the parameter file.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS problem loading trusted CA file %1, %2
- Parameters
- Path for CA file
- Additional information
- Description
- The SSL/TLS system failed loading the trusted CA file.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS certificate verify error (%1) %2, depth=%3 issuer=%4
- Parameters
- Error number
- Error description
- Depth in chain
- Certificate issuer
- Description
- A certificate in the path failed verification for the reason stated.
- Action
- Message Text
- SSL/TLS has already been started
- Description
- An attempt was made to start TLS when TLS had already been started.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unable to get issuer certificate
- Description
- Peer authentication was unable to get the issuer certificate.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unable to decrypt certificate's signature
- Description
- Could not decrypt the signature in the certificate.
- Action
- Message Text
- Certificate's signature failure
- Description
- The certificate's signature could not be verified.
- Action
- Message Text
- Certificate is not yet valid
- Description
- The certificate has a validity period in the future.
- Action
- Message Text
- Certificate has expired
- Description
- The certificate has a validity period in the past.
- Action
- Message Text
- Certificate has an invalid notBefore field
- Description
- The certificate has an invalid date in its notBefore field.
- Action
- Message Text
- A self-signed certificate found in chain
- Description
- A self signed certificate was found in the chain.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unable to get local issuer's certificate
- Description
- The local issuer's certificate was not available.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unable to verify the first certificate
- Description
- The first certificate did not verify.
- Action
- Message Text
- The certificate chain was too long
- Description
- The certificate chain was too long.
- Action
- Message Text
- The CA certificate was not valid
- Description
- The CA's certificate was not valid.
- Action
- Message Text
- The path length constraint exceeded
- Description
- The length of the path exceeded the constraint.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unsupported certificate purpose
- Description
- The certificate contained a purpose which is not supported.
- Action
- Message Text
- Certificate not trusted
- Description
- A certificate is not trusted.
- Action
- Message Text
- Certificate rejected
- Description
- The certificate was rejected.
- Action
- Message Text
- Subject issuer mismatch
- Description
- There was a mismatch with the subject issuer.
- Action
- Message Text
- Authority and issuer serial number mismatch
- Description
- Mistamch with the authority and issuer serial number.
- Action
- Message Text
- Key usage does not include certificate signing
- Description
- A certificate in the path is not allowed to sign another certificate.
- Action
- Message Text
- There was no peer certificate and a certificate is required
- Description
- The configuration requires peer authentication, and no peer certificate was available.
- Action
- Message Text
- unknown verification reason %1
- Parameters
- Internal error code
- Description
- The verification failed for some unknown reason.
- Action
- Message Text
- Subject name may contain NUL: possibly truncated name %1
- Parameters
- name
- Description
- A certificate with an unacceptable name has been received. The name contains a NUL, and unfortunately (even if that is intended and valid) our software is unable to safely use such names, so we must reject the certificate.
- Action
- Message Text
- Hostname %1 not matched in certificate
- Parameters
- name of host
- Description
- The name of the server called is not found as a name in the certificate provided by that server. This may indicate a "man in the middle" attack.
- Action