Summary: Isode components write to logging streams when events occur.
Facility MTA_Qmgr
Messages relating to the M-Switch Queue Manager
Name | Severity | ID | Description | Action |
ArchiveError | error | 507 | Resubmission found a problem with the archive. | |
Authorization | info | 501 | The user, authorizing as the given role, has been granted the given authorization. | |
BadPDU | error | 53 | Cannot decode a PDU from the given host. | |
BadSelectorRegexp | error | 104 | A regular expression in a selector value has a problem. | This is probably a UA issue, or a user issue. |
BadSelectorValue | error | 101 | The value provided for a selector key is not valid. | This may be a UA issue in not validating values |
BufferTooBig | error | 500 | The SOM command handler broke the connection as the line provided exceeded the given limit. | |
ChannelOperation | notice | 405 | External operation on channel. | |
ChannelStart | info | 408 | Starting a channel process. | |
Connection | info | 52 | A new connection from the given address has been received. | |
dbmbuildrun | error | 58 | The attempt to execute dbmbuild failed. | |
DuplicateID | error | 30 | The Queue Manager object has received a duplicate SOM operation ID. This is an internal queue manager error. | |
DuplicateMessage | fatal | 202 | ||
DuplicateRecipient | error | 200 | ||
GroupBuildProblem | error | 311 | ||
InstanceStart | info | 409 | A new channel instance has started | |
InstanceStatus | info | 410 | Status from channel instance. | |
Internal | detail | 5 | Information on the internal workings which is at a higher level than debug information. | |
InvalidConfiguration | fatal | 309 | ||
InvalidID | error | 31 | The Queue Manager object has received an operation continue instruction with an invalid SOM operation ID. This is an internal queue manager error. | |
InvalidOperation | error | 2 | An attempt has been made to perform an operation which is not appropriate for the object to which it applies. | |
InvalidOperationData | error | 32 | Data provided for a SOM operation is invalid. This is either a protocol error, or a UA error. | |
LDAPconnect | warning | 56 | Failed to connect to the LDAP directory server, the reason given is in the message. | |
LDAPsearch | warning | 57 | The queue manager attempted to find entries in the directory server and this failed for the given reason. | |
Listen | notice | 50 | Listening on the given address. | |
ListenError | fatal | 51 | An error has occurred on a listener. | |
ManagerOperation | notice | 404 | External operation on queue manager itself. | |
MessageOperation | info | 407 | External operation on message. | |
MessageSubmit | info | 400 | A new message arrives | |
MessageTimeout | info | 403 | Timer expiry on message giving warning or timeout | |
MissingAttribute | error | 312 | ||
MissingSelectorKey | error | 102 | There is no selector key. This is a protocol error. | |
MissingSelectorValue | error | 103 | The value for a selector key is missing. This is a protocol error. | |
MissingValue | error | 303 | ||
MTAOperation | notice | 406 | External operation on MTA. | |
MtatailorUpdate | warning | 315 | A problem was encountered creating a new mtatailor.tai file in the ETCDIR. This will prevent the new configuration from taking effect. The problem may be temporary. The queue manager will make another attempt after the configuration reload time. | Check that the error does not recurr. If it does, investigate the detail. If it is important that the new configuration is used, the reload can be forced from the Switch operation view of mconsole. |
NoMTAdname | notice | 308 | ||
NoObjectFound | warning | 3 | An attempt has been made to perform an operation but the selector failed to find any matching objects. | This can arise through incorrect data entered by an operator |
NoTimestamp | error | 307 | The queue manager attempted to find the mt-serial attribute in its entry in the directory server and this failed for the given reason. This will result in failure to create or update the mtatailor file. | |
NotImplemented | error | 1 | The operation is not yet implemented. | |
NoTLSInfo | info | 504 | No TLS information was found, so not using TLS. | |
NotRoleMember | error | 508 | A SOM session attempted to authorize with an inappropriate Role id. | |
PasswordError | authfail | 502 | The system compared the presented password with the hashed password in the auth.qmgr table, but they did not match. | |
PDUencode | error | 54 | There was a problem encoding a PDU. | |
ProcessCreateFailed | error | 55 | There was a problem starting a child process | |
ProcessMsg | info | 411 | Status from channel instance | |
RecipientStatus | info | 402 | Channel reports status to queue manager | |
RecipientSubmit | info | 401 | New recipient in message | |
ResubmitError | error | 506 | The SOM RESUBMIT command failed on the given archive. Additional error information should be appended. | |
SchemaVersion | error | 306 | ||
SchemaVersionMajor | error | 313 | ||
SchemaVersionMinor | notice | 314 | ||
SetTime | error | 304 | ||
SizeLimitReached | warning | 4 | A search operation matches more objects than the size limit. | |
StartingUp | notice | 509 | M-Switch is starting. | |
TooManyAssociations | error | 302 | ||
TooManyChannels | error | 300 | ||
TooManyMTAs | error | 301 | ||
TooManySOM | fatal | 310 | ||
UnknownChannel | error | 201 | ||
UnknownSelectorKey | error | 100 | A selector key has been passed in which is either unknown, or is not valid in the current context (e.g. a message selection key when acting on channels). This is a protocol error. | |
UnknownUser | authfail | 505 | The user was not found in the auth.qmgr table. If the command did not specify a username, then 'anon' is used as the username. | |
ValueTooLarge | error | 305 |
- Message Text
- Operation not implemented
- Description
- The operation is not yet implemented.
- Action
- Message Text
- Cannot perform operation %1 on object type %2
- Parameters
- Operation type
- Type of object
- Description
- An attempt has been made to perform an operation which is not appropriate for the object to which it applies.
- Action
- Message Text
- No matching objects were found for operation
- Description
- An attempt has been made to perform an operation but the selector failed to find any matching objects.
- Action
- This can arise through incorrect data entered by an operator
- Message Text
- Search size limit reached
- Description
- A search operation matches more objects than the size limit.
- Action
- Message Text
- %1
- Parameters
- Text describing state or case
- Description
- Information on the internal workings which is at a higher level than debug information.
- Action
- Message Text
- Duplicate SOM operation ID
- Description
- The Queue Manager object has received a duplicate SOM operation ID. This is an internal queue manager error.
- Action
- Message Text
- Invalid SOM operation ID
- Description
- The Queue Manager object has received an operation continue instruction with an invalid SOM operation ID. This is an internal queue manager error.
- Action
- Message Text
- Operation %1 has invalid data '%2'
- Parameters
- Operation type
- The data string
- Description
- Data provided for a SOM operation is invalid. This is either a protocol error, or a UA error.
- Action
- Message Text
- Listening on %1
- Parameters
- Listen address
- Description
- Listening on the given address.
- Action
- Message Text
- Error on listener
- Description
- An error has occurred on a listener.
- Action
- Message Text
- New connection from %1 for %2
- Parameters
- Caller's address
- Connection context
- Description
- A new connection from the given address has been received.
- Action
- Message Text
- Invalid PDU from %1
- Parameters
- Caller's address
- Description
- Cannot decode a PDU from the given host.
- Action
- Message Text
- Failed to encode PDU for %1
- Parameters
- Caller's address
- Description
- There was a problem encoding a PDU.
- Action
- Message Text
- Failed to start process for channel %1 using '%2'
- Parameters
- Channel name
- Program command
- Description
- There was a problem starting a child process
- Action
- Message Text
- Failed to connect to directory: %1
- Parameters
- Text of LDAP error
- Description
- Failed to connect to the LDAP directory server, the reason given is in the message.
- Action
- Message Text
- A search or read operation for %1 failed: %2
- Parameters
- Operation
- Text of LDAP error
- Description
- The queue manager attempted to find entries in the directory server and this failed for the given reason.
- Action
- Message Text
- Failed to execute dbmbuild
- Description
- The attempt to execute dbmbuild failed.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unknown selector key '%1'
- Parameters
- Key for selector
- Description
- A selector key has been passed in which is either unknown, or is not valid in the current context (e.g. a message selection key when acting on channels). This is a protocol error.
- Action
- Message Text
- Selector key '%1' has bad value '%2'
- Parameters
- Key for selector
- Value for selector
- Description
- The value provided for a selector key is not valid.
- Action
- This may be a UA issue in not validating values
- Message Text
- Bad selector key
- Description
- There is no selector key. This is a protocol error.
- Action
- Message Text
- The selector with key '%1' is missing a value
- Parameters
- Key for selector
- Description
- The value for a selector key is missing. This is a protocol error.
- Action
- Message Text
- Regular express'%1' has error at offset %2: %3
- Parameters
- The regular expression
- Offset in regular expression of the error
- Text describing the error
- Description
- A regular expression in a selector value has a problem.
- Action
- This is probably a UA issue, or a user issue.
- Message Text
- Duplicate internal recipient number in message %1: %2
- Parameters
- The internal queue ID of the message.
- The internal recipient number.
- Description
- Action
- User action
- The message needs to be identified in the on-disk queue. It can then be corrected, or deleted. This needs to be done manually.
- Message Text
- Unknown channel %1 in message %2, recipient %3
- Parameters
- The channel name
- The internal queue ID of the message.
- The internal recipient number.
- Description
- Action
- User action
- The message needs to be identified in the on-disk queue. It can then be corrected, or deleted. This needs to be done manually.
- Message Text
- Duplicate message %1
- Parameters
- The internal queue ID of the message.
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Find out which channel is submitting the message. It is necessary to resolve which of the queue manager and channel is correct.
- Message Text
- Too many channels found when adding %1. Cannot have more than %2
- Parameters
- The name of the channel being added
- The limit on the number of channels
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Reduce the number of channels in use in the tailoring information.
- Message Text
- Too many MTAs when adding %1. Cannot have more than %2
- Parameters
- The name of the MTA being added
- The limit on the number of MTAs
- Description
- Action
- User action
- It is unlikely in practice that you will meet this limit.
- Message Text
- Too many concurrent associations. Cannot have more thn %1
- Parameters
- The limit on the number of Associations
- Description
- Action
- User action
- It is unlikely in practice that you will meet this limit.
- Message Text
- No value for %1
- Parameters
- Name of value
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Ensure that the value is set.
- Message Text
- Failed to set timestamp on file %1
- Parameters
- Name of tailor file
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Check the system error for the reason for the failure.
- Message Text
- Value too large for tailor file: %1
- Parameters
- Value which is too large
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Use a smaller value.
- Message Text
- MTA has schema version %1, expecting %2
- Parameters
- Schema version found for MTA
- Expected schema version
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Upgrade the configuration being used, if the schema version found is earlier than the expected version.
- Message Text
- A search or read operation for the mt-serial attribute failed: %1
- Parameters
- Text of LDAP error
- Description
- The queue manager attempted to find the mt-serial attribute in its entry in the directory server and this failed for the given reason. This will result in failure to create or update the mtatailor file.
- Action
- Message Text
- No Directory Name for MTA available
- Description
- Action
- User action
- If directory based features are to be used, then set the value appropriately.
- Message Text
- Problem with configuration
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Check the other error messages. The problem might be with the DSA not being available, or the connection details for that DSA in the stub mtatailor file being incorrect.
- Message Text
- Too many (%1) SOM connections
- Parameters
- The current number of connections
- Description
- Action
- User action
- You can configure a large number. If the SOM port is open to the Internet this could be a sign of an attack on your system.
- Message Text
- Problem when building group information
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Check the other error messages.
- Message Text
- Attribute %1 missing in entry type %2
- Parameters
- The attribute type
- The type of entry
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Check the schema of the relevant entries.
- Message Text
- MTA has schema version %1, expecting %2
- Parameters
- Schema version found for MTA
- Expected schema version
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Upgrade the configuration being used, if the schema version found is earlier than the expected version.
- Message Text
- MTA has schema version %1, expecting %2
- Parameters
- Schema version found for MTA
- Expected schema version
- Description
- Action
- User action
- Upgrade the configuration being used, if the schema version found is earlier than the expected version.
- Message Text
- Problem updating mtatailor file
- Description
- A problem was encountered creating a new mtatailor.tai file in the ETCDIR. This will prevent the new configuration from taking effect. The problem may be temporary. The queue manager will make another attempt after the configuration reload time.
- Action
- Check that the error does not recurr. If it does, investigate the detail. If it is important that the new configuration is used, the reload can be forced from the Switch operation view of mconsole.
- Message Text
- New Message %1 %2 (priority %3)
- Parameters
- Internal Message ID
- Originator address
- Internal priority
- Description
- A new message arrives
- Action
- Message Text
- New Recipient %1 %2 (%3) %4 (%5)
- Parameters
- Internal Message ID
- Recipient address
- Internal recipient number
- Status
- status value
- Description
- New recipient in message
- Action
- Message Text
- Recipient Status %1 %2 (%3) %4 (%5)
- Parameters
- Internal Message ID
- Recipient address
- Internal recipient number
- Status
- status value
- Description
- Channel reports status to queue manager
- Action
- Message Text
- Message %1 %2
- Parameters
- Internal Message ID
- Timeout or warning
- Description
- Timer expiry on message giving warning or timeout
- Action
- Message Text
- Manager operation %1
- Parameters
- Operation
- Description
- External operation on queue manager itself.
- Action
- Message Text
- Channel operation %1 on %2
- Parameters
- Operation
- Channel name
- Description
- External operation on channel.
- Action
- Message Text
- MTA operation %1 on %2
- Parameters
- Operation
- MTA name
- Description
- External operation on MTA.
- Action
- Message Text
- Message operation %1 on %2
- Parameters
- Operation
- Internal Message ID
- Description
- External operation on message.
- Action
- Message Text
- Starting process for %1
- Parameters
- Channel name
- Description
- Starting a channel process.
- Action
- Message Text
- New channel instance on %1 (%2,%3) status %4
- Parameters
- Channel name
- Process ID
- Instance number
- status
- Description
- A new channel instance has started
- Action
- Message Text
- Channel instance on %1 (%2,%3) has status %4 (%5) context:%6
- Parameters
- Channel name
- Process ID
- Instance number
- status
- status
- context
- Description
- Status from channel instance.
- Action
- Message Text
- Starting message %1 on %2 (%3,%4)
- Parameters
- Message ID
- Channel name
- Process ID
- Instance number
- Description
- Status from channel instance
- Action
- Message Text
- On connection from %1 buffer reached %2 bytes
- Parameters
- Caller's address
- Size of buffer
- Description
- The SOM command handler broke the connection as the line provided exceeded the given limit.
- Action
- Message Text
- Authorization granted to %1 as %2: %3
- Parameters
- Username
- Role
- Levels
- Description
- The user, authorizing as the given role, has been granted the given authorization.
- Action
- Message Text
- Password comparison failed for %1
- Parameters
- Username
- Description
- The system compared the presented password with the hashed password in the auth.qmgr table, but they did not match.
- Action
- Message Text
- no TLS information was found
- Description
- No TLS information was found, so not using TLS.
- Action
- Message Text
- Unknown user %1
- Parameters
- Username
- Description
- The user was not found in the auth.qmgr table. If the command did not specify a username, then 'anon' is used as the username.
- Action
- Message Text
- Error resubmitting %1
- Parameters
- archive name
- Description
- The SOM RESUBMIT command failed on the given archive. Additional error information should be appended.
- Action
- Message Text
- Error parsing archive, %1
- Parameters
- additional error information
- Description
- Resubmission found a problem with the archive.
- Action
- Message Text
- %1 is not a member of Role %2
- Parameters
- Authentication id
- Role id
- Description
- A SOM session attempted to authorize with an inappropriate Role id.
- Action
- Message Text
- M-Switch Qmgr %1 starting up
- Parameters
- Version
- Description
- M-Switch is starting.
- Action