Pure X.400 API

Description of the function calls for the X.400 object access interface. More...


#define X400DLGetStrParam   X400DLExpHistGetStrParam


int X400Initialize (char *myname)
 Initialize X.400 API. More...
int X400InitializeLogging (const char *myname, const char *xmlfile)
 Initialize X.400 API logging. If just the name of the logging configuration file is provided, it will be searched for first in $ETCDIR and then in $SHAREDIR. More...
int X400MsgNew (int type, struct X400Message **mpp)
 Creates new message. More...
int X400MsgCountRecip (struct X400Message *mp, int recipient_type, int *number)
 Returns count of addresses of given type in message object. More...
int X400MsgFree (struct X400Message *mp)
 Frees a message. More...
int X400MsgAddAttachment (struct X400Message *mp, int type, const char *string, size_t length)
 Add an attachment to the message. More...
int X400MsgAddBodypart (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400Bodypart *bp)
 Add a body part object to a message. More...
int X400MsgAddMessageBody (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400Message *mbp)
int X400MsgAddMessageBodyWType (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400Message *mbp, int type)
 Add a message body part object to a message. More...
int X400MsgAddIntParam (struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int value)
 Add integer-valued parameter to the message. More...
int X400MsgAddStrParam (struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the message. More...
int X400MsgAddRecip (struct X400Message *mp, int reciptype, struct X400Recipient *recip)
 Add a recipient object to the message. More...
int X400MsgGetIntParam (struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int *valuep)
 Return a integer-valued parameter from the message object. More...
int X400MsgGetStrParam (struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Return a string-valued parameter from the message object. More...
int X400MsgGetAttachment (struct X400Message *mp, int number, int *typep, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *lengthp)
 Return data from a simple attachment. More...
int X400MsgGetBodypart (struct X400Message *mp, int number, int *typep, struct X400Bodypart **bpp)
 Return a pointer to a body part object. More...
int X400MsgGetMessageBody (struct X400Message *mp, int number, struct X400Message **mbpp)
 Return a pointer to a body part object. More...
int X400MsgGetRecip (struct X400Message *mp, int recip_type, int number, struct X400Recipient **rpp)
 Get recipient object from message. More...
int X400MsgGetCert (struct X400Message *mp, int certtype, struct X400Certificate **certp)
 Get certificate object from message This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in the message. The attribute type indicates which object type. More...
int X400RecipNew (int type, struct X400Recipient **rpp)
 Create a new recipient object. More...
int X400RecipFree (struct X400Recipient *rpp)
 Free a recipient object. More...
int X400RecipAddIntParam (struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int value)
 Add integer-valued parameter to the recipient. More...
int X400RecipAddStrParam (struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the recipient. More...
int X400RecipGetStrParam (struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Return a string-valued parameter from the recipient object. More...
int X400RecipGetIntParam (struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int *valp)
 Return a integer-valued parameter from the recipient object. More...
int X400RecipGetCert (struct X400Recipient *rp, int certtype, struct X400Certificate **certp)
 Get certificate object from recipient This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in the recipient. The attribute type indicates which object type. More...
int X400BodypartNew (int type, struct X400Bodypart **bpp)
 Create a new body part object. More...
int X400BodypartFree (struct X400Bodypart *bpp)
 Free a body part object. More...
int X400BodypartAddIntParam (struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, int value)
 Add integer-valued parameter to the body part. More...
int X400BodypartAddStrParam (struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the body part. More...
int X400BodypartGetStrParam (struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Return a string-valued parameter from the body part object. More...
int X400BodypartGetIntParam (struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, int *valp)
 Return a integer-valued parameter from the body part object. More...
int X400DefaultsNew (struct x400_attribute **ap)
 Return a new defaults object. More...
int X400DefaultsFree (struct x400_attribute *ap)
 Free a defaults object. More...
int X400SetStrDefault (struct x400_attribute *ap, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Set a string value in a defaults object. More...
int X400SetIntDefault (struct x400_attribute *ap, int paramtype, int value)
 Set an integer value in a defaults object. More...
const char * X400Error (int error)
 Return string for error code. More...
int X400DLExpHistGet (struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400DLExpHist **hist)
 Create a new DL Expansion History object from the message object. More...
int X400DLExpHistDelete (struct X400DLExpHist *hist)
 Delete the DL Expansion History object. More...
int X400DLExpHistGetStrParam (struct X400DLExpHist *hist, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Return a string parameter from the DL Expansion History object. More...
int X400DLExpHistNew (struct X400DLExpHist **histp)
 Create a new X400DLExpHist object. More...
int X400MsgAddDLExpHist (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400DLExpHist *histp)
 Associates a X400DLExpHist object with a X400Message object. More...
int X400DLExpHistAddStrParam (struct X400DLExpHist *hist, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the X400DLExpHist object. More...
struct X400DLExpHist * X400DLExpHistDeepCopy (struct X400DLExpHist *original)
 Copy an existing DL Expansion History object. More...
int X400TraceInfoGet (struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400TraceInfo **info, int trace_info_type)
 Get the Trace information object from a message. More...
int X400TraceInfoGetStrParam (struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from Trace Information object. More...
int X400TraceInfoGetIntParam (struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int *valuep)
 Get int parameter from Trace Information object. More...
int X400TraceInfoNew (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400TraceInfo **info, int type)
 Create a new Trace information object. More...
struct X400TraceInfo * X400TraceInfoDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400TraceInfo *original, int type)
 Copy an existing Trace information object. More...
int X400MsgAddTraceInfo (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400TraceInfo *info, int type)
 Create a new Trace information object. More...
int X400TraceInfoAddStrParam (struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the X400TraceInfo object. More...
int X400TraceInfoAddIntParam (struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int value)
 Set an integer value in a Trace Info object. More...
int X400RediHistAddStrParam (struct X400RediHist *hist, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the X400RediHist object. More...
int X400RediHistAddIntParam (struct X400RediHist *hist, int paramtype, int value)
 Set an integer value in a Redirection History object. More...
int X400RediHistGetStrParam (struct X400RediHist *hist, int paramtype, char *value, size_t length, size_t *lengthp)
 Get string-valued parameter from the X400RediHist object. More...
int X400RediHistGetIntParam (struct X400RediHist *info, int paramtype, int *valuep)
 Get int parameter from Redirection History object. More...
int X400RediHistGet (struct X400Recipient *recip, int entry, struct X400RediHist **hist)
 Get the Redirection History object from a recipient. More...
int X400RediHistNew (struct X400Recipient *recip, struct X400RediHist **hist)
 Create a new Redirection History object. More...
int X400RediHistGetEnv (struct X400Message *msg, int entry, struct X400RediHist **hist)
 Get the Redirection History object from a message envelope this is represented by in X.411. More...
int X400RediHistNewEnv (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400RediHist **hist)
 Create a new Redirection History object for a message envelope this is represented by in X.411. More...
struct X400RediHist * X400RediHistDeepCopyEnv (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400RediHist *original)
 Copy an existing Redirection History object into a message. More...
struct X400RediHist * X400RediHistDeepCopy (struct X400Recipient *recip, struct X400RediHist *original)
 Copy an existing Redirection History object into a recipient. More...
const char * X400RediReason (int redirection_reason)
 Return a human readable string based on a redirection reason. More...
int X400InternalTraceInfoGet (struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400InternalTraceInfo **info)
 Get the Trace information object from a message. More...
struct X400InternalTraceInfo * X400InternalTraceInfoDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400InternalTraceInfo *original)
 Copy an existing Internal Trace information object. More...
int X400InternalTraceInfoNew (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400InternalTraceInfo **info)
 Create a new Trace information object. More...
int X400MsgAddInternalTraceInfo (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info)
 Create a new Trace information object. More...
int X400InternalTraceInfoGetStrParam (struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from Internal Trace Information object. More...
int X400InternalTraceInfoGetIntParam (struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int *valuep)
 Get int parameter from Internal Trace Information object. More...
int X400InternalTraceInfoAddStrParam (struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the Internal Trace info object. More...
int X400InternalTraceInfoAddIntParam (struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int value)
 Set an integer value in an Internal Trace Info object. More...
int X400ALIGet (struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400ALI **ali)
 Get the Address List Indicator information object from a message. More...
int X400ALINew (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400ALI **ali)
 Create an Address List Indicator object. More...
struct X400ALI * X400ALIDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ALI *ali)
 Copy an Address List Indicator object. More...
int X400ALIGetStrParam (struct X400ALI *ALI, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from Address List Indicator object. More...
int X400ALIGetIntParam (struct X400ALI *ALI, int paramtype, int *valuep)
 Get int parameter from Address List Indicator object. More...
int X400ALIAddStrParam (struct X400ALI *info, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the ALI info object. More...
int X400ALIAddIntParam (struct X400ALI *info, int paramtype, int value)
 Set an integer value in an Address List Indicator object. More...
int X400PSSGet (struct X400Message *mp, int type, int entry, struct X400PSS **pss)
 Get the Printable String Sequence object from a message. More...
struct X400PSS * X400PSSDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400PSS *pss, int type)
 Copy a Printable String Sequence object. More...
int X400PSSNew (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400PSS **pss, int type)
 Create a Printable String Sequence object. More...
int X400PSSGetStrParam (struct X400PSS *pss, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from Printable String Sequence object. More...
int X400PSSAddStrParam (struct X400PSS *pss, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the PSS info object. More...
int X400DistFieldGet (struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400DistField **distfield)
 Get the Distribution Code extension Field object from a message. More...
struct X400DistField * X400DistFieldDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400DistField *original)
 Copy a P772 Distribution Code extension Field object. More...
int X400DistFieldNew (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400DistField **distfield)
 Create a P772 Distribution Code extension Field object. More...
int X400DistFieldGetStrParam (struct X400DistField *distfield, int type, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from Distribution Code extension Field object. More...
int X400DistFieldAddStrParam (struct X400DistField *distfield, int type, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the DistField info object. More...
int X400OtherRecipGet (struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400OtherRecip **otherrecip)
 Get a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object. More...
struct X400OtherRecip * X400OtherRecipDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400OtherRecip *original)
 Copy a P772 Other Recipient object. More...
int X400OtherRecipNew (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400OtherRecip **otherrecip)
 Create a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object. More...
int X400OtherRecipGetStrParam (struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from Other Recipient object. More...
int X400OtherRecipAddStrParam (struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the Other Recipient Indicator object. More...
int X400OtherRecipAddIntParam (struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, int value)
 Add integer parameter to the Other Recipient Indicator object. More...
int X400OtherRecipGetIntParam (struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, int *value)
 Get integer parameter from the Other Recipient Indicator object. More...
int X400ACP127RespGet (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **resp)
 Get the ACP127 Notification Response object from a message. More...
struct X400ACP127Resp * X400ACP127RespDeepCopy (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp *original)
 Copy an ACP127 Notification Response object. More...
int X400ACP127RespNew (struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **resp)
 Create an ACP127 Notification Response object. More...
int X400ACP127RespGetStrParam (struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int type, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from ACP127 Notification Response object. More...
int X400ACP127RespAddStrParam (struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int type, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string-valued parameter to the ACP127 Notification Response object. More...
int X400ACP127RespAddIntParam (struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int value)
 Add integer parameter to the ACP127 Notification Response object. More...
int X400ACP127RespGetIntParam (struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int *value)
 Get integer parameter from the ACP127 Notification Response object. More...
int X400ACP127RespNewALI (struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, struct X400ALI **ali)
 Create new Address List Indicator object associated with the X400ACP127 Resp. More...
int X400ACP127RespGetALI (struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, struct X400ALI **ali, int entry)
 Get an Address List Indicator object associated with the X400ACP127 object. More...
int X400ORandDLAddStrParam (struct X400ORandDL *or_and_dl, int type, const char *value, size_t length)
 Add string parameter for a Originator and DL Expansion History object. More...
struct X400ORandDL * X400ORandDLDeepCopy (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400ORandDL *orig)
 Copy Originator and DL Expansion history object. More...
int X400ORandDLNew (struct X400Message *msg, struct X400ORandDL **or_and_dl)
 Create new Originator and DL Expansion history object. More...
int X400MsgORandDLGet (struct X400Message *msg, int entry, struct X400ORandDL **or_and_dl)
 Get Originator and DL expansion history object. More...
int X400ORandDLGetStrParam (struct X400ORandDL *or_and_dl, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Get string parameter from ACP127 Response object. More...
int X400CertGetStrParam (struct X400Certificate *cp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
 Return a string-valued parameter from the certificate object. More...
int X400CertGetIntParam (struct X400Certificate *cp, int paramtype, int *valp)
 Return a integer-valued parameter from the certificate object. More...
int X400GetContentOctets (struct X400Message *mp, char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t *lenp)
 Obtains the bytes containing the ASN.1 encoding of the Content of a message. The Content is obtained by building an IPM from the attributes of the message and then encoding it. More...
int X400SetContentOctets (struct X400Message *mp, char *buf, size_t len)
 Takes a byte stream containing the ASN.1 encoding of a P22 (or P772) content, decodes it and sets it into a message, so that attributes can be extracted from it. More...
int X400SetupSecEnv (struct X400SecurityEnv **envp, struct x400_attribute *attrs, int allow_no_id)
 Test that the default (sessions) security environment has been initialised with valid values, ie P12 filename and trusted CA certificate directory. More...
int X400SetupMessageSecEnv (struct X400SecurityEnv **msgenvp, struct x400_attribute *msg_attrs, struct x400_attribute *default_attrs)
 Test that the message security environment has been initialised with valid values, ie P12 filename and trusted CA certificate directory. More...
int X400SetupRecipSecenv (struct X400SecurityEnv **recipenvp, struct x400_attribute *recip_attrs, struct x400_attribute *msg_attrs, struct x400_attribute *default_attrs)
 Test that the message security environment has been initialised with valid values, ie P12 filename and trusted CA certificate directory. More...
int X400MsgGetCriticality (struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int *critp)
 Get the criticality value for a parameter which comes from an extension field within a message's envelope. Sets a *critp as a bitmask with X400_CRITICAL_NONE, X400_CRITICAL_SUBMISSION, X400_CRITICAL_TRANSFER, X400_CRITICAL_DELIVERY. More...

Detailed Description

Description of the function calls for the X.400 object access interface.

Function Documentation

◆ X400Initialize()

int X400Initialize ( char *  myname)

Initialize X.400 API.

myname[in] Name of application
zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400InitializeLogging()

int X400InitializeLogging ( const char *  myname,
const char *  xmlfile 

Initialize X.400 API logging. If just the name of the logging configuration file is provided, it will be searched for first in $ETCDIR and then in $SHAREDIR.

myname[in] Name of application
xmlfile[in] Name of logging configuration XML file or full path
zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgNew()

int X400MsgNew ( int  type,
struct X400Message **  mpp 

Creates new message.

type[in] Type of message object
mpp[out] pointer to receive pointer to message object
zero on success or non-zero error code

Message types are

  • X400_MSG_MESSAGE A Message object
  • X400_MSG_REPORT A Report object
  • X400_MSG_PROBE A Probe object

◆ X400MsgCountRecip()

int X400MsgCountRecip ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  recipient_type,
int *  number 

Returns count of addresses of given type in message object.

mp[in] X400 message
recipient_type[in] Type of address to count
number[out] pointer integer to receive count of addresses
zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgFree()

int X400MsgFree ( struct X400Message *  mp)

Frees a message.

mp[in] message object to free
zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgAddAttachment()

int X400MsgAddAttachment ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  type,
const char *  string,
size_t  length 

Add an attachment to the message.

mp[in] Message pointer
type[in] Type of attachment
string[in] String value for attachment
length[in] Length of string
Zero on success or non-zero error code

Not all X.400 body part types can be added to a message in this way. If the type is such that a X400Bodypart is needed, then the error X400_E_COMPLEX_BODY is returned.


◆ X400MsgAddBodypart()

int X400MsgAddBodypart ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400Bodypart *  bp 

Add a body part object to a message.

mp[in] Message pointer
bp[in] Bodypart pointer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgAddMessageBody()

int X400MsgAddMessageBody ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400Message *  mbp 
Use X400MsgAddMessageBodyWType instead.

◆ X400MsgAddMessageBodyWType()

int X400MsgAddMessageBodyWType ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400Message *  mbp,
int  type 

Add a message body part object to a message.

mp[in] Message pointer
mbp[in] Message body part pointer
type[in] BodyPart type (E.G X400_T_MESSAGE)
Zero on success or non-zero error code

The message body part must be a message delivery object for forwarded-message body part.

If the message object being created has an IPN content, then any envelope information is ignored.

◆ X400MsgAddIntParam()

int X400MsgAddIntParam ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Add integer-valued parameter to the message.

mp[in] Message pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgAddStrParam()

int X400MsgAddStrParam ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the message.

mp[in] Message pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NUL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgAddRecip()

int X400MsgAddRecip ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  reciptype,
struct X400Recipient *  recip 

Add a recipient object to the message.

mp[in] Message pointer
reciptype[in] Type of recipient
recip[in] Recipient object to add
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgGetIntParam()

int X400MsgGetIntParam ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  paramtype,
int *  valuep 

Return a integer-valued parameter from the message object.

mp[in] message object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
valuep[out] Pointer to receive value
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgGetStrParam()

int X400MsgGetStrParam ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Return a string-valued parameter from the message object.

mp[in] message object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
buffer[in/out] address for result
buflen[in] length of buffer provided
paramlenp[out] Pointer to receive actual length
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgGetAttachment()

int X400MsgGetAttachment ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  number,
int *  typep,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  lengthp 

Return data from a simple attachment.

mp[in] message object pointer
number[in] Attachment number
typep[out] Pointer to receive attachment type
buffer[in] Buffer to receive string
buflen[in] Buffer length
lengthp[out] Pointer to receive length of string
Zero on success or non-zero error code

Not all X.400 body part types can be returned from a message in this way. If the type is such that a X400Bodypart is needed, then the error X400_E_COMPLEX_BODY is returned. If the type is a forwarded message or returned IPM, then X400_E_MESSAGE_BODY is returned.

◆ X400MsgGetBodypart()

int X400MsgGetBodypart ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  number,
int *  typep,
struct X400Bodypart **  bpp 

Return a pointer to a body part object.

                        int number,
                    int *typep,
                    struct X400Bodypart **bpp)
mp[in] message object pointer
number[in] Bodypart number
typep[out] Pointer to receive attachment type
bpp[out] Pointer to pointer to object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

If the body part is a forwarded message body part or a returned IPM then the error X400_E_MESSAGE_BODY is returned.

◆ X400MsgGetMessageBody()

int X400MsgGetMessageBody ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  number,
struct X400Message **  mbpp 

Return a pointer to a body part object.

mp[in] message object pointer
number[in] Bodypart number
mbpp[out] Pointer to address of BodyPart
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgGetRecip()

int X400MsgGetRecip ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  recip_type,
int  number,
struct X400Recipient **  rpp 

Get recipient object from message.

mp[in] Message object pointer
recip_type[in] Type of recipient
number[in] Ordinal number of recipient
rpp[out] Pointer to receive recipient object pointer
Zero on success, non-zero on failure

◆ X400MsgGetCert()

int X400MsgGetCert ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  certtype,
struct X400Certificate **  certp 

Get certificate object from message This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in the message. The attribute type indicates which object type.

mp[in] Message object pointer
certtype[in] Attribute type for certificate
certp[out] Pointer to receive certificate object pointer
Zero on success, non-zero on failure

◆ X400RecipNew()

int X400RecipNew ( int  type,
struct X400Recipient **  rpp 

Create a new recipient object.

type[in] type of recipient
rpp[out] Pointer to place for pointer to recipient information
Zero on success or non-zero error code

Creates a recipient object. There are several different types for recipient object. Normal recipients can be specified separately for the envelope (i.e. controlling where the message actually goes) and the header which is part of the content. They can also be specified together. A separate type of recipient is the reported recipient which appears in a report content.

  • X400_RECIP_PRIMARY Primary recipient in header
  • X400_RECIP_CC Carbon copy recipient in header
  • X400_RECIP_BCC Blind copy recipient in header
  • X400_RECIP_REPLY Reply-recipient in header
  • X400_RECIP_ENVELOPE Actual recipient in envelope
  • X400_RECIP_REPORT Reported recipient in report content
  • X400_RECIP_INTENDED Originally intended recipient in report content
  • X400_ORIGINATOR Originator address in IPM header
  • X400_AUTH_ORIG Authorizing originator address in IPM header

To set a given recipient in both envelope and header, add together the values, e.g. X400_RECIP_PRIMARY + X400_RECIP_ENVELOPE. The value X400_RECIP_STANDARD is a shorthand for this combination.

examples/x400_msraa.c, examples/x400_msrcv.c, examples/x400_msrcv_sign.c, and examples/x400_mssend.c.

◆ X400RecipFree()

int X400RecipFree ( struct X400Recipient *  rpp)

Free a recipient object.

rpp[out] Recipient object to free
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RecipAddIntParam()

int X400RecipAddIntParam ( struct X400Recipient *  rp,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Add integer-valued parameter to the recipient.

rp[in] Message pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RecipAddStrParam()

int X400RecipAddStrParam ( struct X400Recipient *  rp,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the recipient.

rp[in] Recipient pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NUL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code
examples/x400_msraa.c, examples/x400_msrcv.c, examples/x400_msrcv_sign.c, and examples/x400_mssend.c.

◆ X400RecipGetStrParam()

int X400RecipGetStrParam ( struct X400Recipient *  rp,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Return a string-valued parameter from the recipient object.

rp[in] recipient object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
buffer[in/out] address for result
buflen[in] length of buffer provided
paramlenp[out] Pointer to receive actual length
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RecipGetIntParam()

int X400RecipGetIntParam ( struct X400Recipient *  rp,
int  paramtype,
int *  valp 

Return a integer-valued parameter from the recipient object.

rp[in] recipient object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
valp[out] Pointer to receive value
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RecipGetCert()

int X400RecipGetCert ( struct X400Recipient *  rp,
int  certtype,
struct X400Certificate **  certp 

Get certificate object from recipient This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in the recipient. The attribute type indicates which object type.

mp[in] Recipient object pointer
certtype[in] Attribute type for certificate
certp[out] Pointer to receive certificate object pointer
Zero on success, non-zero on failure

◆ X400BodypartNew()

int X400BodypartNew ( int  type,
struct X400Bodypart **  bpp 

Create a new body part object.

type[in] type of bodypart
bpp[out] Pointer to place for pointer to body part object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

Creates a body part object. There are several different types for body part object.


◆ X400BodypartFree()

int X400BodypartFree ( struct X400Bodypart *  bpp)

Free a body part object.

bpp[out] body part object to free
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400BodypartAddIntParam()

int X400BodypartAddIntParam ( struct X400Bodypart *  bp,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Add integer-valued parameter to the body part.

bp[in] Body part pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400BodypartAddStrParam()

int X400BodypartAddStrParam ( struct X400Bodypart *  bp,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the body part.

bp[in] Body part pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NUL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400BodypartGetStrParam()

int X400BodypartGetStrParam ( struct X400Bodypart *  bp,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Return a string-valued parameter from the body part object.

bp[in] body part object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
buffer[in/out] address for result
buflen[in] length of buffer provided
paramlenp[out] Pointer to receive actual length
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400BodypartGetIntParam()

int X400BodypartGetIntParam ( struct X400Bodypart *  bp,
int  paramtype,
int *  valp 

Return a integer-valued parameter from the body part object.

bp[in] bodypart object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
valp[out] Pointer to receive value
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DefaultsNew()

int X400DefaultsNew ( struct x400_attribute **  ap)

Return a new defaults object.

ap[out] Address of pointer to receive defaults object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DefaultsFree()

int X400DefaultsFree ( struct x400_attribute *  ap)

Free a defaults object.

ap[in] Address of defaults object to free
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400SetStrDefault()

int X400SetStrDefault ( struct x400_attribute *  ap,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Set a string value in a defaults object.

ap[in] Defaults object to operate on
paramtype[in] Type of parameter to set
value[in] String value to set
length[in] Length of value to set
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400SetIntDefault()

int X400SetIntDefault ( struct x400_attribute *  ap,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Set an integer value in a defaults object.

ap[in] Defaults object to operate on
paramtype[in] Type of parameter to set
value[in] Integer value to set
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400Error()

const char* X400Error ( int  error)

Return string for error code.

error[in] error code
Pointer to NUL terminated string for error

◆ X400DLExpHistGet()

int X400DLExpHistGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  entry,
struct X400DLExpHist **  hist 

Create a new DL Expansion History object from the message object.

mp[in] message object pointer
entry[in] DL expansion history element to fetch
hist[out] pointer to receive new DL Expansion History object
Zero on success, or non-zero error code

◆ X400DLExpHistDelete()

int X400DLExpHistDelete ( struct X400DLExpHist *  hist)

Delete the DL Expansion History object.

hist[in] DL Expansion History object to be deleted
Zero on success, or non-zero error code.

◆ X400DLExpHistGetStrParam()

int X400DLExpHistGetStrParam ( struct X400DLExpHist *  hist,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Return a string parameter from the DL Expansion History object.

hist[in] DL Expansion History object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
buffer[in/out] pointer to receive value
buflen[in] Size of buffer
paramlenp[out] pointer to receive actual length
Zero on success, or non-zero error code

◆ X400DLExpHistNew()

int X400DLExpHistNew ( struct X400DLExpHist **  histp)

Create a new X400DLExpHist object.

histp[out] pointer to receive object
Zero on success, or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgAddDLExpHist()

int X400MsgAddDLExpHist ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400DLExpHist *  histp 

Associates a X400DLExpHist object with a X400Message object.

mp[in] Pointer to X400Message object
histp[in] Pointer to X400DLExpHist object.
Zero on success, or non-zero error code

◆ X400DLExpHistAddStrParam()

int X400DLExpHistAddStrParam ( struct X400DLExpHist *  hist,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the X400DLExpHist object.

hist[in] X400DLExpHist pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DLExpHistDeepCopy()

struct X400DLExpHist* X400DLExpHistDeepCopy ( struct X400DLExpHist *  original)

Copy an existing DL Expansion History object.

original[in] X.400 DL Expansion History to copy
Copy of DL Expansion History or NULL on error

◆ X400TraceInfoGet()

int X400TraceInfoGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  entry,
struct X400TraceInfo **  info,
int  trace_info_type 

Get the Trace information object from a message.

mp[in] X.400 Message pointer
entry[in] Trace Info object to use
info[out] Pointer to trace info object
trace_info_type[in] Type of trace info object.
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400TraceInfoGetStrParam()

int X400TraceInfoGetStrParam ( struct X400TraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from Trace Information object.

info[in] Trace Info object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of require buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400TraceInfoGetIntParam()

int X400TraceInfoGetIntParam ( struct X400TraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
int *  valuep 

Get int parameter from Trace Information object.

info[in] Trace Info object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
valuep[out] pointer to integer to return
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400TraceInfoNew()

int X400TraceInfoNew ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400TraceInfo **  info,
int  type 

Create a new Trace information object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer
info[out] Pointer to trace info object
type[in] Type info object X400_TRACE_INFO or X400_SUBJECT_TRACE_INFO
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400TraceInfoDeepCopy()

struct X400TraceInfo* X400TraceInfoDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400TraceInfo *  original,
int  type 

Copy an existing Trace information object.

mp[in] X400 message pointer (destination of copy object)
info[in] Pointer to original trace info object
type[in] Either X400_TRACE_INFO or X400_SUBJECT_TRACE_INFO
Copy of object or NULL on error

◆ X400MsgAddTraceInfo()

int X400MsgAddTraceInfo ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400TraceInfo *  info,
int  type 

Create a new Trace information object.

mp[in] X400 message pointer
info[in] Pointer to trace info object
type[in] Either X400_TRACE_INFO or X400_SUBJECT_TRACE_INFO
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400TraceInfoAddStrParam()

int X400TraceInfoAddStrParam ( struct X400TraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the X400TraceInfo object.

info[in] X400TraceInfo pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400TraceInfoAddIntParam()

int X400TraceInfoAddIntParam ( struct X400TraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Set an integer value in a Trace Info object.

info[in] Trace Info object to operate on
paramtype[in] Type of parameter to set
value[in] Integer value to set
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistAddStrParam()

int X400RediHistAddStrParam ( struct X400RediHist *  hist,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the X400RediHist object.

hist[in] X400RediHist pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistAddIntParam()

int X400RediHistAddIntParam ( struct X400RediHist *  hist,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Set an integer value in a Redirection History object.

hist[in] Redirection History object to operate on
paramtype[in] Type of parameter to set
value[in] Integer value to set
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistGetStrParam()

int X400RediHistGetStrParam ( struct X400RediHist *  hist,
int  paramtype,
char *  value,
size_t  length,
size_t *  lengthp 

Get string-valued parameter from the X400RediHist object.

hist[in] X400RediHist pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter
lengthp[in] Required length of value
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistGetIntParam()

int X400RediHistGetIntParam ( struct X400RediHist *  info,
int  paramtype,
int *  valuep 

Get int parameter from Redirection History object.

info[in] Redirection History object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
valuep[out] pointer to integer to return
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistGet()

int X400RediHistGet ( struct X400Recipient *  recip,
int  entry,
struct X400RediHist **  hist 

Get the Redirection History object from a recipient.

recip[in] X.400 Recipient
entry[in] Trace Info object to use
hist[out] Pointer to redirection history object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistNew()

int X400RediHistNew ( struct X400Recipient *  recip,
struct X400RediHist **  hist 

Create a new Redirection History object.

recip[in] X.400 Recipient history
hist[out] Pointer to redirection history object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistGetEnv()

int X400RediHistGetEnv ( struct X400Message *  msg,
int  entry,
struct X400RediHist **  hist 

Get the Redirection History object from a message envelope this is represented by in X.411.

msg[in] X.400 Message
entry[in] Trace Info object to use
hist[out] Pointer to redirection history object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistNewEnv()

int X400RediHistNewEnv ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400RediHist **  hist 

Create a new Redirection History object for a message envelope this is represented by in X.411.

msg[in] X.400 Recipient history
hist[out] Pointer to redirection history object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400RediHistDeepCopyEnv()

struct X400RediHist* X400RediHistDeepCopyEnv ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400RediHist *  original 

Copy an existing Redirection History object into a message.

msg[in] X.400 Message
original[in] X.400 Redirection history to copy
Copy of Redirection History or NULL on error

◆ X400RediHistDeepCopy()

struct X400RediHist* X400RediHistDeepCopy ( struct X400Recipient *  recip,
struct X400RediHist *  original 

Copy an existing Redirection History object into a recipient.

recip[in] X.400 Recipient
original[in] X.400 Redirection history to copy
Copy of Redirection History or NULL on error

◆ X400RediReason()

const char* X400RediReason ( int  redirection_reason)

Return a human readable string based on a redirection reason.

redirection_reason[in] redirection reason
Pointer to human readable string.

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoGet()

int X400InternalTraceInfoGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  entry,
struct X400InternalTraceInfo **  info 

Get the Trace information object from a message.

mp[in] X.400 Message pointer
entry[in] Trace Info object to use
info[out] Pointer to trace info object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoDeepCopy()

struct X400InternalTraceInfo* X400InternalTraceInfoDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400InternalTraceInfo *  original 

Copy an existing Internal Trace information object.

mp[in] X400 message pointer (destination of copy object)
info[in] Pointer to original trace info object
Copy of object or NULL on error

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoNew()

int X400InternalTraceInfoNew ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400InternalTraceInfo **  info 

Create a new Trace information object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer
info[out] Pointer to trace info object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgAddInternalTraceInfo()

int X400MsgAddInternalTraceInfo ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400InternalTraceInfo *  info 

Create a new Trace information object.

mp[in] X400 message pointer
info[in] Type of trace info object to add
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoGetStrParam()

int X400InternalTraceInfoGetStrParam ( struct X400InternalTraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from Internal Trace Information object.

info[in] Trace Info object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of require buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoGetIntParam()

int X400InternalTraceInfoGetIntParam ( struct X400InternalTraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
int *  valuep 

Get int parameter from Internal Trace Information object.

info[in] Trace Info object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
valuep[out] pointer to integer to return
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoAddStrParam()

int X400InternalTraceInfoAddStrParam ( struct X400InternalTraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the Internal Trace info object.

info[in] Internal Trace info pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400InternalTraceInfoAddIntParam()

int X400InternalTraceInfoAddIntParam ( struct X400InternalTraceInfo *  info,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Set an integer value in an Internal Trace Info object.

info[in] Trace Info object to operate on
paramtype[in] Type of parameter to set
value[in] Integer value to set
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ALIGet()

int X400ALIGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  entry,
struct X400ALI **  ali 

Get the Address List Indicator information object from a message.

mp[in] X.400 Message pointer
entry[in] ALI object being used.
ali[out] Pointer to ALI object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ALINew()

int X400ALINew ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400ALI **  ali 

Create an Address List Indicator object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer
ali[out] Pointer ALI object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ALIDeepCopy()

struct X400ALI* X400ALIDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400ALI *  ali 

Copy an Address List Indicator object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer (for copy)
ali[out] ALI object to copy
Copy of ALI or NULL on error

◆ X400ALIGetStrParam()

int X400ALIGetStrParam ( struct X400ALI *  ALI,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from Address List Indicator object.

ALI[in] ALI object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of Buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of required buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ALIGetIntParam()

int X400ALIGetIntParam ( struct X400ALI *  ALI,
int  paramtype,
int *  valuep 

Get int parameter from Address List Indicator object.

ALI[in] ALI object
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
valuep[out] pointer to integer to return
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ALIAddStrParam()

int X400ALIAddStrParam ( struct X400ALI *  info,
int  paramtype,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the ALI info object.

info[in] ALI info pointer
paramtype[in] Type of parameter
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ALIAddIntParam()

int X400ALIAddIntParam ( struct X400ALI *  info,
int  paramtype,
int  value 

Set an integer value in an Address List Indicator object.

info[in] ALI object to operate on
paramtype[in] Type of parameter to set
value[in] Integer value to set
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400PSSGet()

int X400PSSGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  type,
int  entry,
struct X400PSS **  pss 

Get the Printable String Sequence object from a message.

mp[in] X.400 Message pointer
type[in] type of printable string syntax to fetch
entry[in] PSS object being used.
pss[out] Pointer to PSS object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400PSSDeepCopy()

struct X400PSS* X400PSSDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400PSS *  pss,
int  type 

Copy a Printable String Sequence object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer (for copy)
pss[out] PSS object to copy
type[in] Type of PSS object
Copy of PSS or NULL on error

◆ X400PSSNew()

int X400PSSNew ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400PSS **  pss,
int  type 

Create a Printable String Sequence object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer
pss[out] Pointer PSS object
type[in] Type of PSS object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400PSSGetStrParam()

int X400PSSGetStrParam ( struct X400PSS *  pss,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from Printable String Sequence object.

pss[in] PSS object
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of Buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of required buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400PSSAddStrParam()

int X400PSSAddStrParam ( struct X400PSS *  pss,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the PSS info object.

pss[in] pss info pointer
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DistFieldGet()

int X400DistFieldGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  entry,
struct X400DistField **  distfield 

Get the Distribution Code extension Field object from a message.

mp[in] X.400 Message pointer
entry[in] DistField object being used.
distfield[out] Pointer to Distribution Code extension object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DistFieldDeepCopy()

struct X400DistField* X400DistFieldDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400DistField *  original 

Copy a P772 Distribution Code extension Field object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer for copy
distfield[out] X400DistField object to copy
New X400DistField or NULL on error

◆ X400DistFieldNew()

int X400DistFieldNew ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400DistField **  distfield 

Create a P772 Distribution Code extension Field object.

msg[in] X400 message pointer
distfield[out] Pointer X400DistField object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DistFieldGetStrParam()

int X400DistFieldGetStrParam ( struct X400DistField *  distfield,
int  type,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from Distribution Code extension Field object.

distfield[in] DistField object
type[in] The type of distfield object
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of Buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of required buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400DistFieldAddStrParam()

int X400DistFieldAddStrParam ( struct X400DistField *  distfield,
int  type,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the DistField info object.

distfield[in] distfield info pointer
type[in] The type of distfield object
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400OtherRecipGet()

int X400OtherRecipGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  entry,
struct X400OtherRecip **  otherrecip 

Get a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object.

mp[in] message pointer
entry[in] Other Recip object being used.
otherrecip[out] pointer to receive new other recipient object
Zero on success, or non-zero error code

◆ X400OtherRecipDeepCopy()

struct X400OtherRecip* X400OtherRecipDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400OtherRecip *  original 

Copy a P772 Other Recipient object.

mp[in] message pointer for copy
original[in] object to copy
Copy of object or NULL on error

◆ X400OtherRecipNew()

int X400OtherRecipNew ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400OtherRecip **  otherrecip 

Create a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object.

mp[in] message pointer
otherrecip[out] pointer to receive other recipient object
Zero on success, or non-zero error code

◆ X400OtherRecipGetStrParam()

int X400OtherRecipGetStrParam ( struct X400OtherRecip *  otherrecip,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from Other Recipient object.

otherrecip[in] otherrecip object
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of Buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of required buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400OtherRecipAddStrParam()

int X400OtherRecipAddStrParam ( struct X400OtherRecip *  otherrecip,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the Other Recipient Indicator object.

otherrecip[in] Other Recipient object pointer
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400OtherRecipAddIntParam()

int X400OtherRecipAddIntParam ( struct X400OtherRecip *  otherrecip,
int  value 

Add integer parameter to the Other Recipient Indicator object.

otherrecip[in] Other Recipient object pointer
value[in] Value of parameter
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400OtherRecipGetIntParam()

int X400OtherRecipGetIntParam ( struct X400OtherRecip *  otherrecip,
int *  value 

Get integer parameter from the Other Recipient Indicator object.

otherrecip[in] Other Recipient object pointer
value[out] address of value integer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespGet()

int X400ACP127RespGet ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400ACP127Resp **  resp 

Get the ACP127 Notification Response object from a message.

mp[in] X.400 Message Recipient pointer
resp[out] Pointer to ACP127 Notification Response object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespDeepCopy()

struct X400ACP127Resp* X400ACP127RespDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400ACP127Resp *  original 

Copy an ACP127 Notification Response object.

mp[in] message pointer for copy
original[in] object to copy
Copy of object or NULL on error

◆ X400ACP127RespNew()

int X400ACP127RespNew ( struct X400Message *  mp,
struct X400ACP127Resp **  resp 

Create an ACP127 Notification Response object.

mp[in] X400 message pointer
resp[out] Pointer X400ACP127Resp object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespGetStrParam()

int X400ACP127RespGetStrParam ( struct X400ACP127Resp *  resp,
int  type,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from ACP127 Notification Response object.

resp[in] ACP127 Repsonse object
type[in] The type of string element to get
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of Buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of required buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespAddStrParam()

int X400ACP127RespAddStrParam ( struct X400ACP127Resp *  resp,
int  type,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string-valued parameter to the ACP127 Notification Response object.

resp[in] ACP127 Response object pointer
type[in] Type of value to be added
value[in] Value of parameter
length[in] Length of parameter, -1 if NULL terminated
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespAddIntParam()

int X400ACP127RespAddIntParam ( struct X400ACP127Resp *  resp,
int  value 

Add integer parameter to the ACP127 Notification Response object.

resp[in] ACP127 Response object pointer
value[in] Value of parameter
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespGetIntParam()

int X400ACP127RespGetIntParam ( struct X400ACP127Resp *  resp,
int *  value 

Get integer parameter from the ACP127 Notification Response object.

resp[in] ACP127 object pointer
value[out] address of value integer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespNewALI()

int X400ACP127RespNewALI ( struct X400ACP127Resp *  resp,
struct X400ALI **  ali 

Create new Address List Indicator object associated with the X400ACP127 Resp.

resp[in] ACP127 response object.
ali[out] X400ALI Address List Indicator object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ACP127RespGetALI()

int X400ACP127RespGetALI ( struct X400ACP127Resp *  resp,
struct X400ALI **  ali,
int  entry 

Get an Address List Indicator object associated with the X400ACP127 object.

resp[in] ACP127 response object.
ali[out] X400ALI Address List Indicator object
entry[in] The X400ALI object to get.
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ORandDLAddStrParam()

int X400ORandDLAddStrParam ( struct X400ORandDL *  or_and_dl,
int  type,
const char *  value,
size_t  length 

Add string parameter for a Originator and DL Expansion History object.

or_and_dl[in] X400ORandDL Repsonse object
type[in] The type of string element to add
value[in] The sting to add
length[in] The size of the string to add.
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ORandDLDeepCopy()

struct X400ORandDL* X400ORandDLDeepCopy ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400ORandDL *  orig 

Copy Originator and DL Expansion history object.

msg[in] Message object pointer for copy
or_and_dl[in] Original to copy
New object or NULL on error

◆ X400ORandDLNew()

int X400ORandDLNew ( struct X400Message *  msg,
struct X400ORandDL **  or_and_dl 

Create new Originator and DL Expansion history object.

msg[in] Message object pointer
or_and_dl[out] Pointer to receive new DL expansion object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgORandDLGet()

int X400MsgORandDLGet ( struct X400Message *  msg,
int  entry,
struct X400ORandDL **  or_and_dl 

Get Originator and DL expansion history object.

msg[in] X.400 Message
entry[in] The originator and dl expansion history object to use
or_and_dl[out] Pointer to orig and dl expan history object
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400ORandDLGetStrParam()

int X400ORandDLGetStrParam ( struct X400ORandDL *  or_and_dl,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Get string parameter from ACP127 Response object.

or_and_dl[in] X400ORandDL object
paramtype[in] The type of string element to get
buffer[out] Buffer to contain string value
buflen[in] Length of Buffer
paramlenp[out] Length of required buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400CertGetStrParam()

int X400CertGetStrParam ( struct X400Certificate *  cp,
int  paramtype,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  paramlenp 

Return a string-valued parameter from the certificate object.

rp[in] certificate object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
buffer[in/out] address for result
buflen[in] length of buffer provided
paramlenp[out] Pointer to receive actual length
Zero on success or non-zero error code
examples/x400_msrcv_msg_tok_sign.c, examples/x400_msrcv_sign.c, and examples/x400_mssend_rcv_sign.c.

◆ X400CertGetIntParam()

int X400CertGetIntParam ( struct X400Certificate *  cp,
int  paramtype,
int *  valp 

Return a integer-valued parameter from the certificate object.

rp[in] certificate object pointer
paramtype[in] type of parameter
valp[out] Pointer to receive value
Zero on success or non-zero error code
examples/x400_msrcv_msg_tok_sign.c, examples/x400_msrcv_sign.c, and examples/x400_mssend_rcv_sign.c.

◆ X400GetContentOctets()

int X400GetContentOctets ( struct X400Message *  mp,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen,
size_t *  lenp 

Obtains the bytes containing the ASN.1 encoding of the Content of a message. The Content is obtained by building an IPM from the attributes of the message and then encoding it.

mp[in] Message from which to get Content encoding
buf[in] Buffer for return of content
buflen[in] Length of buffer
lenp[out] Length of data returned
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400SetContentOctets()

int X400SetContentOctets ( struct X400Message *  mp,
char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Takes a byte stream containing the ASN.1 encoding of a P22 (or P772) content, decodes it and sets it into a message, so that attributes can be extracted from it.

mp[in] Message into which to put the Content
buf[in] Buffer containing encoding of content
buflen[in] Length of buffer
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400SetupSecEnv()

int X400SetupSecEnv ( struct X400SecurityEnv **  envp,
struct x400_attribute *  attrs,
int  allow_no_id 

Test that the default (sessions) security environment has been initialised with valid values, ie P12 filename and trusted CA certificate directory.

envp[in] Structure to fill in with security values and insert into session attributes. Will be freed when the Session is closed.
attrs[in] Session attributes.
allow_no_id[in] Set to true if not passing P12 filename, so that verification only (which only needs a trusted CA cert dir) is to be performed.
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400SetupMessageSecEnv()

int X400SetupMessageSecEnv ( struct X400SecurityEnv **  msgenvp,
struct x400_attribute *  msg_attrs,
struct x400_attribute *  default_attrs 

Test that the message security environment has been initialised with valid values, ie P12 filename and trusted CA certificate directory.

envp[in] Structure to fill in with security values and insert into Message attributes. Will be freed when the Message is freed.
msg_attrs[in] Message attributes.
default_attrs[in] Session attributes.
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400SetupRecipSecenv()

int X400SetupRecipSecenv ( struct X400SecurityEnv **  recipenvp,
struct x400_attribute *  recip_attrs,
struct x400_attribute *  msg_attrs,
struct x400_attribute *  default_attrs 

Test that the message security environment has been initialised with valid values, ie P12 filename and trusted CA certificate directory.

envp[in] Structure to fill in with security values and insert into recipient attributes. Will be freed when the recipient is freed.
recip_attrs[in] Recipient attributes.
msg_attrs[in] Message attributes.
default_attrs[in] Session attributes.
Zero on success or non-zero error code

◆ X400MsgGetCriticality()

int X400MsgGetCriticality ( struct X400Message *  mp,
int  paramtype,
int *  critp 

Get the criticality value for a parameter which comes from an extension field within a message's envelope. Sets a *critp as a bitmask with X400_CRITICAL_NONE, X400_CRITICAL_SUBMISSION, X400_CRITICAL_TRANSFER, X400_CRITICAL_DELIVERY.

mp[in] Message
paramtyoe[in] Parameter type
critp[in] Address of int to receive criticality value
Zero on success or non-zero error code