MS X.400 API
int X400ALINew(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400ALI **ali)
Create an Address List Indicator object.
int X400BodypartGetIntParam(struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, int *valp)
Return a integer-valued parameter from the body part object.
struct X400ORandDL * X400ORandDLDeepCopy(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400ORandDL *orig)
Copy Originator and DL Expansion history object.
int X400OtherRecipAddIntParam(struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, int value)
Add integer parameter to the Other Recipient Indicator object.
const char * X400RediReason(int redirection_reason)
Return a human readable string based on a redirection reason.
int X400ORandDLNew(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400ORandDL **or_and_dl)
Create new Originator and DL Expansion history object.
int X400ACP127RespGetIntParam(struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int *value)
Get integer parameter from the ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400BodypartNew(int type, struct X400Bodypart **bpp)
Create a new body part object.
int X400OtherRecipGetStrParam(struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from Other Recipient object.
int X400PSSGetStrParam(struct X400PSS *pss, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from Printable String Sequence object.
int X400ACP127RespAddStrParam(struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int type, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400ACP127RespGetALI(struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, struct X400ALI **ali, int entry)
Get an Address List Indicator object associated with the X400ACP127 object.
int X400MsgAddInternalTraceInfo(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info)
Create a new Trace information object.
int X400ACP127RespNew(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **resp)
Create an ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400TraceInfoAddIntParam(struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int value)
Set an integer value in a Trace Info object.
int X400RecipGetCert(struct X400Recipient *rp, int certtype, struct X400Certificate **certp)
Get certificate object from recipient This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in ...
int X400MsgAddDLExpHist(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400DLExpHist *histp)
Associates a X400DLExpHist object with a X400Message object.
int X400BodypartGetStrParam(struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the body part object.
int X400MsgCountRecip(struct X400Message *mp, int recipient_type, int *number)
Returns count of addresses of given type in message object.
int X400MsgGetCert(struct X400Message *mp, int certtype, struct X400Certificate **certp)
Get certificate object from message This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in th...
int X400RediHistNewEnv(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400RediHist **hist)
Create a new Redirection History object for a message envelope this is represented by 8....
int X400MsgAddBodypart(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400Bodypart *bp)
Add a body part object to a message.
int X400ACP127RespGet(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **resp)
Get the ACP127 Notification Response object from a message.
int X400PSSGet(struct X400Message *mp, int type, int entry, struct X400PSS **pss)
Get the Printable String Sequence object from a message.
struct X400TraceInfo * X400TraceInfoDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400TraceInfo *original, int type)
Copy an existing Trace information object.
int X400TraceInfoGetStrParam(struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from Trace Information object.
int X400InternalTraceInfoAddIntParam(struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int value)
Set an integer value in an Internal Trace Info object.
int X400TraceInfoGet(struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400TraceInfo **info, int trace_info_type)
Get the Trace information object from a message.
struct X400ACP127Resp * X400ACP127RespDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp *original)
Copy an ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400RecipGetStrParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the recipient object.
int X400RecipAddIntParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the recipient.
struct X400DistField * X400DistFieldDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400DistField *original)
Copy a P772 Distribution Code extension Field object.
int X400MsgAddIntParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the message.
int X400MsgAddTraceInfo(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400TraceInfo *info, int type)
Create a new Trace information object.
int X400MsgGetBodypart(struct X400Message *mp, int number, int *typep, struct X400Bodypart **bpp)
Return a pointer to a body part object.
int X400RediHistGetStrParam(struct X400RediHist *hist, int paramtype, char *value, size_t length, size_t *lengthp)
Get string-valued parameter from the X400RediHist object.
int X400CertGetIntParam(struct X400Certificate *cp, int paramtype, int *valp)
Return a integer-valued parameter from the certificate object.
int X400ALIAddIntParam(struct X400ALI *info, int paramtype, int value)
Set an integer value in an Address List Indicator object.
int X400InternalTraceInfoNew(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400InternalTraceInfo **info)
Create a new Trace information object.
int X400InternalTraceInfoAddStrParam(struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the Internal Trace info object.
struct X400PSS * X400PSSDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400PSS *pss, int type)
Copy a Printable String Sequence object.
int X400BodypartAddIntParam(struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the body part.
int X400MsgGetRecip(struct X400Message *mp, int recip_type, int number, struct X400Recipient **rpp)
Get recipient object from message.
struct X400ALI * X400ALIDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400ALI *ali)
Copy an Address List Indicator object.
int X400MsgORandDLGet(struct X400Message *msg, int entry, struct X400ORandDL **or_and_dl)
Get Originator and DL expansion history object.
int X400ACP127RespGetStrParam(struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int type, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400PSSNew(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400PSS **pss, int type)
Create a Printable String Sequence object.
int X400ALIAddStrParam(struct X400ALI *info, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the ALI info object.
int X400RediHistAddIntParam(struct X400RediHist *hist, int paramtype, int value)
Set an integer value in a Redirection History object.
int X400OtherRecipAddStrParam(struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the Other Recipient Indicator object.
int X400InternalTraceInfoGetStrParam(struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from Internal Trace Information object.
int X400MsgAddRecip(struct X400Message *mp, int reciptype, struct X400Recipient *recip)
Add a recipient object to the message.
int X400RecipAddStrParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the recipient.
int X400MsgGetIntParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int *valuep)
Return a integer-valued parameter from the message object.
int X400DistFieldGet(struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400DistField **distfield)
Get the Distribution Code extension Field object from a message.
X400 Symbolic Constants.
int X400SetIntDefault(struct x400_attribute *ap, int paramtype, int value)
Set an integer value in a defaults object.
int X400InternalTraceInfoGetIntParam(struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int *valuep)
Get int parameter from Internal Trace Information object.
int X400InternalTraceInfoGet(struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400InternalTraceInfo **info)
Get the Trace information object from a message.
int X400OtherRecipGetIntParam(struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip, int *value)
Get integer parameter from the Other Recipient Indicator object.
struct X400RediHist * X400RediHistDeepCopyEnv(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400RediHist *original)
Copy an existing Redirection History object into a message.
int X400SetStrDefault(struct x400_attribute *ap, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Set a string value in a defaults object.
int X400DLExpHistNew(struct X400DLExpHist **histp)
Create a new X400DLExpHist object.
int X400SetupRecipSecenv(struct X400SecurityEnv **recipenvp, struct x400_attribute *recip_attrs, struct x400_attribute *msg_attrs, struct x400_attribute *default_attrs)
Test that the message security environment has been initialised with valid values,...
int X400PSSAddStrParam(struct X400PSS *pss, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the PSS info object.
int X400MsgAddMessageBody(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400Message *mbp)
int X400MsgGetAttachment(struct X400Message *mp, int number, int *typep, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *lengthp)
Return data from a simple attachment.
int X400DistFieldAddStrParam(struct X400DistField *distfield, int type, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the DistField info object.
struct X400OtherRecip * X400OtherRecipDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400OtherRecip *original)
Copy a P772 Other Recipient object.
int X400RediHistGetIntParam(struct X400RediHist *info, int paramtype, int *valuep)
Get int parameter from Redirection History object.
int X400OtherRecipGet(struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400OtherRecip **otherrecip)
Get a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object.
int X400TraceInfoGetIntParam(struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, int *valuep)
Get int parameter from Trace Information object.
int X400ALIGetStrParam(struct X400ALI *ALI, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from Address List Indicator object.
int X400MsgGetCriticality(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int *critp)
Get the criticality value for a parameter which comes from an extension field within a message's enve...
int X400TraceInfoAddStrParam(struct X400TraceInfo *info, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the X400TraceInfo object.
struct X400DLExpHist * X400DLExpHistDeepCopy(struct X400DLExpHist *original)
Copy an existing DL Expansion History object.
int X400ORandDLGetStrParam(struct X400ORandDL *or_and_dl, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from ACP127 Response object.
int X400OtherRecipNew(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400OtherRecip **otherrecip)
Create a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object.
int X400RediHistNew(struct X400Recipient *recip, struct X400RediHist **hist)
Create a new Redirection History object.
int X400MsgAddStrParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the message.
int X400DLExpHistAddStrParam(struct X400DLExpHist *hist, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the X400DLExpHist object.
int X400MsgAddAttachment(struct X400Message *mp, int type, const char *string, size_t length)
Add an attachment to the message.
int X400RediHistAddStrParam(struct X400RediHist *hist, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the X400RediHist object.
int X400ORandDLAddStrParam(struct X400ORandDL *or_and_dl, int type, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string parameter for a Originator and DL Expansion History object.
int X400MsgGetStrParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the message object.
int X400MsgAddMessageBodyWType(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400Message *mbp, int type)
Add a message body part object to a message.
struct X400RediHist * X400RediHistDeepCopy(struct X400Recipient *recip, struct X400RediHist *original)
Copy an existing Redirection History object into a recipient.
int X400SetContentOctets(struct X400Message *mp, char *buf, size_t len)
Takes a byte stream containing the ASN.1 encoding of a P22 (or P772) content, decodes it and sets it ...
int X400DistFieldGetStrParam(struct X400DistField *distfield, int type, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get string parameter from Distribution Code extension Field object.
int X400DLExpHistGetStrParam(struct X400DLExpHist *hist, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string parameter from the DL Expansion History object.
struct X400InternalTraceInfo * X400InternalTraceInfoDeepCopy(struct X400Message *mp, struct X400InternalTraceInfo *original)
Copy an existing Internal Trace information object.
int X400MsgGetMessageBody(struct X400Message *mp, int number, struct X400Message **mbpp)
Return a pointer to a body part object.
int X400ACP127RespAddIntParam(struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, int value)
Add integer parameter to the ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400ALIGet(struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400ALI **ali)
Get the Address List Indicator information object from a message.
int X400DistFieldNew(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400DistField **distfield)
Create a P772 Distribution Code extension Field object.
int X400RecipGetIntParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int *valp)
Return a integer-valued parameter from the recipient object.
int X400CertGetStrParam(struct X400Certificate *cp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the certificate object.
int X400ALIGetIntParam(struct X400ALI *ALI, int paramtype, int *valuep)
Get int parameter from Address List Indicator object.
int X400ACP127RespNewALI(struct X400ACP127Resp *resp, struct X400ALI **ali)
Create new Address List Indicator object associated with the X400ACP127 Resp.
int X400GetContentOctets(struct X400Message *mp, char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t *lenp)
Obtains the bytes containing the ASN.1 encoding of the Content of a message. The Content is obtained ...
int X400DLExpHistDelete(struct X400DLExpHist *hist)
Delete the DL Expansion History object.
int X400BodypartAddStrParam(struct X400Bodypart *bp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the body part.
int X400TraceInfoNew(struct X400Message *msg, struct X400TraceInfo **info, int type)
Create a new Trace information object.
int X400InitializeLogging(const char *myname, const char *xmlfile)
Initialize X.400 API logging. If just the name of the logging configuration file is provided,...
int X400SetupMessageSecEnv(struct X400SecurityEnv **msgenvp, struct x400_attribute *msg_attrs, struct x400_attribute *default_attrs)
Test that the message security environment has been initialised with valid values,...
int X400DLExpHistGet(struct X400Message *mp, int entry, struct X400DLExpHist **hist)
Create a new DL Expansion History object from the message object.
int X400RediHistGet(struct X400Recipient *recip, int entry, struct X400RediHist **hist)
Get the Redirection History object from a recipient.
int X400RediHistGetEnv(struct X400Message *msg, int entry, struct X400RediHist **hist)
Get the Redirection History object from a message envelope this is represented by 8....
int X400SetupSecEnv(struct X400SecurityEnv **envp, struct x400_attribute *attrs, int allow_no_id)
Test that the default (sessions) security environment has been initialised with valid values,...