MS X.400 API
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1853 X400MS_CDECL int X400msACP127RespGet (struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **respp);
void X400msSetConfigRequest(int val)
Disable and enable configuration requests in MS Bind operations.
int X400msMsgGetEx(struct X400msSession *sp, int number, int entryclass, struct X400msMessage **mpp, int *typep, int *seqp)
Get message object for transfer out from MS or MTA via P3.
int X400msListExAux(struct X400msSession *sp, char *since_time, int entryclass, int entrystatus, struct X400msListResult **lrp)
List messages in the P7 Message Store, specifying entryclass and entrystatus.
X400 Object Interface.
int X400msDLExpHistGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int entry, struct X400DLExpHist **hist)
Create a new DL Expansion History object from the message object.
void X400msSetUserPointer(struct X400msSession *session, void *ptr)
Set a user pointer value in a session object.
void X400msConnDroppedCb(struct X400msSession *session, int reason_code, char *diagnostic)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 connection is lost.
Definition: x400_msapi.h:381
int X400msALINew(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400ALI **ali)
Create a new Address List Indicator Object, and associate it with the existing message.
int X400msAutoActionParameterAddIntParam(struct X400msAutoActionParameter *aap, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the autoaction parameter.
int X400msAutoActionParameterAddRecip(struct X400msAutoActionParameter *aap, int reciptype, struct X400Recipient *recip)
Add a receipient to the autoaction parameter.
int X400msCheckConnection(struct X400msSession *sp)
Check that a connection is still active.
int X400msGetGeneric(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400Message **genp)
Generate an X400Message from an X400msMessage.
void * X400msGetUserPointer(struct X400msSession *session)
Get a user pointer value from a session object.
int X400msDLExpHistNew(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400DLExpHist **histp)
Create a new DL Expansion History object, and associate it with the existing message.
int X400msMsgAddAttachment(struct X400msMessage *mp, int type, const char *string, size_t length)
Add attachment to the message.
int X400msMsgGetBodypart(struct X400msMessage *mp, int number, int *typep, struct X400Bodypart **bpp)
Return a pointer to a body part object.
int X400msOpen(int type, const char *oraddr, const char *dirname, const char *credentials, const char *pa, int *messages, struct X400msSession **spp)
Open a session to a Message Store (P7) or MTA (P3) in synchronous mode.
int X400msORandDLGet(struct X400msMessage *msg, int entry, struct X400ORandDL **or_and_dl)
Get Originator and DL expansion history object.
struct X400msSession * X400msNewAsyncSession(int type)
Create a new X400msSession object of the specified type.
struct X400msAutoActionParameter * X400msNewAutoActionParameter(void)
Create a new (empty) autoaction parameter structure.
int X400msDistFieldNew(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400DistField **pss)
Create a new P772 Distribution Field object for a message object.
int X400msSetStrDefault(struct X400msSession *sp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Set a default string parameter value in a session.
int X400msMsgAddBodypart(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400Bodypart *bp)
int X400msGetContentOctets(struct X400msMessage *mp, char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t *lenp)
Obtains the bytes containing the ASN.1 encoding of the Content of a message. The Content is obtained ...
void X400msFreeAutoActionParameter(struct X400msAutoActionParameter *aa_param)
Free an autoaction parameter.
int X400msMsgGetCert(struct X400msMessage *mp, int certtype, struct X400Certificate **certp)
Get certificate object from message This returns a certificate which was used to sign an object in th...
int X400msListGetIntParam(struct X400msListResult *lr, int paramtype, int number, int *valp)
Get an integer attribute value from an element of a ListResult.
int X400msOpenAsync(int type, const char *oraddr, const char *dirname, const char *credentials, const char *pa, const char *ret_psw, X400msConnEstablishedCb *conupcb, X400msConnDroppedCb *condowncb, X400msMsgSubmittedCb *msgsubcb, X400msMsgFetchedCb *msgfetchcb, X400msMsgDeletedCb *msgdelcb, X400msMsgWaitingCb *msgwaitcb, X400msListCb *listcb, X400msRegisterCb *registercb, X400msAlertCb *alertcb, X400msManageCb *managecb, X400msManageCb *unmanagecb, struct X400msSession **spp)
Initiate an asynchronous opening of a session to a Message Store (P7)
int X400msMsgAddMessageBodyWType(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400Message *mbp, int type)
Add a message body part object to a message.
void X400msCancelWaitSession(struct X400msSession *sp)
Signal the thread waiting in an X400msWait() function call for the specified MS Session to return.
int X400msACP127RespGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **respp)
Get the ACP127 Notification Response object from a message.
int X400msMsgGetStart(struct X400msSession *sp, int number, struct X400msMessage **mpp, int *typep, int *seqp)
Get message object for transfer out from MS or MTA via P3.
int X400msMsgGetAttachment(struct X400msMessage *mp, int number, int *typep, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *lengthp)
Return the data of an attachment (=bodypart) from the message object.
void X400msEnableWaitSession(struct X400msSession *sp)
Enable X400msWait() function to work normally again for an individual session.
void X400msMsgWaitingCb(struct X400msSession *session, int num_messages_waiting, int errorcode)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 Summarize operation (invoked via X400msWait) completes asy...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:433
struct X400ACP127Resp * X400msACP127RespDeepCopy(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp *orig)
Copy an ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400msMsgAddIntParam(struct X400msMessage *mp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the message.
int X400msDeregisterAutoAction(struct X400msSession *sp, int type, int id)
Deregister an autoaction from the Message Store.
int X400msRecipGetIntParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int *valp)
Return a integer-valued parameter from the recipient object.
void X400msListFree(struct X400msListResult *lr)
Free the memory occupied by a ListResult.
int X400msWaitNew(struct X400msSession *sp, int seconds, int *count)
Wait for new messages to be ready to be read.
int X400msRecipAddIntParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the message.
int X400msOtherRecipNew(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400OtherRecip **otherrecip)
Create a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object.
int X400msRecipAddStrParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the message.
int X400msMsgGet(struct X400msSession *sp, int number, struct X400msMessage **mpp, int *typep, int *seqp)
Get message object for transfer out from MS or MTA via P3.
int X400msRecipNew(struct X400msMessage *mp, int type, struct X400Recipient **rpp)
Add new recipient to a message.
int X400msACP127RespNew(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400ACP127Resp **respp)
Create an ACP127 Notification Response object.
int X400msTraceInfoGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int entry, struct X400TraceInfo **info, int type)
Get a Trace Info object for a message object.
const char * X400msError(int error)
Obtain a string describing the meaning of the given error code.
int X400msMsgGetMessageBody(struct X400msMessage *mp, int number, struct X400Message **mpp)
Return a pointer to a message part object.
int X400msMsgNew(struct X400msSession *sp, int type, struct X400msMessage **mpp)
Creates new message.
void X400msRegisterCb(struct X400msSession *session, int errorcode)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 Register operation completes asynchronously,...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:456
int X400msInternalTraceInfoGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int entry, struct X400InternalTraceInfo **info)
Get an Internal Trace Info object for a message object.
int X400msList(struct X400msSession *sp, char *since_time, struct X400msListResult **lrp)
List messages in the P7 Message Store.
int X400msWait(struct X400msSession *sp, int seconds, int *count)
Wait for messages to be ready to be read.
void X400msAlertCb(struct X400msSession *session)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 Alert invoke is received.
Definition: x400_msapi.h:464
int X400msSetContentOctets(struct X400msMessage *mp, char *buf, size_t len)
Takes a byte stream containing the ASN.1 encoding of a P22 (or P772) content, decodes it and sets it ...
int X400msMsgFromRaw(struct X400msSession *sp, char *buffer, size_t buflen, struct X400msMessage **mpp, int *typep)
Reconstruct a message from a binary representation.
int X400msMsgGetStartEx(struct X400msSession *sp, int number, int entryclass, struct X400msMessage **mpp, int *typep, int *seqp)
Get message object for transfer out from MS or MTA via P3.
int X400msRecipGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int type, int number, struct X400Recipient **rpp)
Get recipient object from message.
int X400msRecipGetStrParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the recipient object.
int X400msALIGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int entry, struct X400ALI **info)
Get a Address List Indicator Object for a message object.
int X400msAutoActionParameterAddStrParam(struct X400msAutoActionParameter *aap, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the autoaction parameter.
int X400msListExAuxPriBefore(struct X400msSession *sp, char *since_time, char *before_time, int entryclass, int entrystatus, int priority, struct X400msListResult **lrp)
List messages in the P7 Message Store, specifying entryclass, entrystatus and priority,...
int X400msMsgGetIntParam(struct X400msMessage *mp, int paramtype, int *valp)
Return a integer-valued parameter from the message object.
int X400msMsgGetRaw(struct X400msSession *sp, struct X400msMessage *mp, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *buflenp)
Get a binary representation of a message which can be subsequently be used to reconstruct the message...
int X400msMsgAddMessageBody(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400Message *mbp)
int X400msOpenCheck(int type, const char *oraddr, const char *dirname, const char *credentials, const char *pa, const char *ret_psw, int *messages, struct X400msSession **spp)
Open a session to a Message Store (P7) or MTA (P3) in synchronous mode, checking the password which t...
int X400msMsgCountRecip(struct X400msMessage *mp, int type, int *cp)
Returns count of addresses of given type in message object.
int X400msSetIntDefault(struct X400msSession *sp, int paramtype, int value)
Set a default integer parameter value in a session.
int X400msPSSNew(struct X400msMessage *mp, struct X400PSS **pss, int type)
Create a new Printable String Syntax Object, and associate it with the existing message.
void X400msMsgDeletedCb(struct X400msSession *session, int seqno, int errorcode)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 Delete operation completes asynchronously,...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:421
void X400msConnEstablishedCb(struct X400msSession *session, int errorcode, int alert)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 bind completes asynchronously, whether the completion is s...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:371
int X400msTestSecurityEnv(struct X400msSession *sp)
Test the default Security Environment.
int X400msDistFieldGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int entry, struct X400DistField **pss)
Get a new P772 Distribution Field object for a message object.
int X400msMsgGetStrParam(struct X400msMessage *mp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the message object.
int X400msListGetStrParam(struct X400msListResult *lr, int paramtype, int number, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Get a string attribute value from an element of a ListResult.
int X400msManageCb(struct X400msSession *session, int fd, int event_mask)
A callback which will be invoked when a particular file descriptor either needs to be monitored for a...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:475
int X400msPSSGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int type, int entry, struct X400PSS **pss)
Get a Printable String Syntax Object for a message object.
int X400msMakeIPN(struct X400msMessage *mp, int non_receipt_reason, struct X400msMessage **mpp)
Make an IPN based on the subject IPM.
int X400msOtherRecipGet(struct X400msMessage *mp, int entry, struct X400OtherRecip **otherrecip)
Get a new P772 Other Recipient object for a message object.
void X400msListCb(struct X400msSession *session, struct X400msListResult *lrp, int errorcode)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 List operation completes asynchronously,...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:445
int X400msListEx(struct X400msSession *sp, char *since_time, int entryclass, struct X400msListResult **lrp)
List messages in the P7 Message Store, specifying entryclass.
int X400msOpenAsyncSession(struct X400msSession *sp, const char *addr, const char *dn, const char *credentials, const char *pa, const char *ret_psw, X400msConnEstablishedCb *conupcb, X400msConnDroppedCb *condowncb, X400msMsgSubmittedCb *msgsubcb, X400msMsgFetchedCb *msgfetchcb, X400msMsgDeletedCb *msgdelcb, X400msMsgWaitingCb *msgwaitcb, X400msListCb *listcb, X400msRegisterCb *registercb, X400msAlertCb *alertcb, X400msManageCb *managecb, X400msManageCb *unmanagecb)
Initiate an asynchronous opening of a session to a Message Store (P7) using an existing session objec...
int X400msMsgAddStrParam(struct X400msMessage *mp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the message.
int X400msListExAuxPri(struct X400msSession *sp, char *since_time, int entryclass, int entrystatus, int priority, struct X400msListResult **lrp)
List messages in the P7 Message Store, specifying entryclass entrystatus and priority.
int X400msMsgGetFinish(struct X400msMessage *mp, int errnum, int problem)
Generate delivery result or error for a message.
void X400msMsgFetchedCb(struct X400msSession *session, struct X400msMessage *message, int type, int seqno, int errorcode)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 Fetch operation completes asynchronously,...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:407
int X400msRegisterAutoAction(struct X400msSession *sp, int type, int id, struct X400msAutoActionParameter *aa_param)
Register an autoaction with the Message Store.
int X400msRediHistGetEnv(struct X400msMessage *msg, int entry, struct X400RediHist **hist)
Get the Redirection History object from a message envelope this is represented by 8....
int X400msGetHandle(struct X400msSession *session)
Get a handle suitable for use in a call to select()
void X400msMsgSubmittedCb(struct X400msSession *session, struct X400msMessage *message, int errorcode)
A callback which will be invoked when a P7 Submission operation completes asynchronously,...
Definition: x400_msapi.h:393
void X400msCancelWait(void)
Signal any threads waiting in X400msWait() function calls to return.