1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2013, Isode Limited, London, England.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Acquisition and use of this software and related materials for any
6  * purpose requires a written licence agreement from Isode Limited,
7  * or a written licence from an organisation licenced by Isode Limited
8  * to grant such a licence.
9  */
11 /*
12  * @VERSION@
13  * Simple example program for submitting a message via a message store.
14  */
16 #include <stdio.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <sys/stat.h>
20 #include <sys/types.h>
21 #ifndef _WIN32
22 #include <unistd.h>
23 #endif
24 #include <fcntl.h>
25 #include <errno.h>
27 #include <x400_msapi.h>
28 #include <seclabel_api.h> /* For security labels */
29 #include "example.h"
32 static char *optstr = "u371m:d:p:w:M:D:P:W:r:o:O:r:g:G:c:l:R:y:C:iaqsAvf:kK:";
34 /* These are the data items used to construct the message for submission */
35 static char *default_recip = "/CN=P7User1/O=attlee/PRMD=TestPRMD/ADMD=TestADMD/C=GB/";
36 char *recip;
37 static const char text[] = "First line\r\nSecond line\r\n";
39 static void usage(void) ;
42 int main (
43  int argc,
44  char **argv
45 )
46 {
47  char buffer[BUFSIZ];
48  char pa[BUFSIZ];
49  char orn[BUFSIZ];
50  char tmp[BUFSIZ];
51  int status;
52  struct X400Message *mp;
53  struct X400Recipient *origp;
54  struct X400Recipient *rp;
55  int contype;
56  char *def_oraddr;
57  char *def_dn;
58  char *def_pa;
60  if (get_args(argc, argv, optstr)) {
61  usage();
62  exit(-1);
63  }
65  printf("Connection type (0 = P7, 1 = P3 submit only, 2 = P3 both directions) [%d]: ", x400_contype);
66  contype = ic_fgetc(x400_contype, stdin);
67  if (contype != 10)
68  ic_fgetc(x400_contype, stdin);
70  if ( contype < '0' || '2' < contype )
71  contype = x400_contype;
72  else
73  contype -= '0';
75  if (contype == 0) {
76  def_oraddr = x400_ms_user_addr;
77  def_dn = x400_ms_user_dn;
78  def_pa = x400_ms_presentation_address;
79  } else {
80  def_oraddr = x400_mta_user_addr;
81  def_dn = x400_mta_user_dn;
82  def_pa = x400_mta_presentation_address;
83  }
85  printf("Your ORAddress [%s] > ", def_oraddr);
86  ic_fgets (orn, sizeof orn, stdin);
88  if ( orn[strlen(orn)-1] == '\n' )
89  orn[strlen(orn)-1] = '\0';
91  if (orn[0] == '\0')
92  strcpy(orn, def_oraddr);
94  /* Prompt for password; note: reflected. */
95  printf ("Password [%s]: ",
96  contype == 0 ? x400_p7_password : x400_p3_password);
97  if ( ic_fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin) == NULL )
98  exit (1);
100  if (buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] == '\n' )
101  buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0';
102  if (buffer[0] == '\0')
103  strcpy(buffer, contype == 0 ? x400_p7_password : x400_p3_password);
105  /* Presentation Address */
106  printf("Presentation Address [%s] > ", def_pa);
107  ic_fgets (pa, sizeof pa, stdin);
109  if ( pa[strlen(pa)-1] == '\n' )
110  pa[strlen(pa)-1] = '\0';
112  if (pa[0] == '\0')
113  strcpy(pa, def_pa);
115  if (talking_to_marben_ms)
118  /* setup logging */
119  /* X400SetStrDefault(X400_S_LOG_CONFIGURATION_FILE, "x400api.xml", 0); */
121  if (x400_default_recipient != NULL)
122  recip = x400_default_recipient;
123  else
124  recip = default_recip;
126  printf("Message recipient [%s]: ", recip);
127  ic_fgets (tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin);
129  if ( tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] == '\n' )
130  tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0';
131  if (strlen(tmp) != 0)
132  recip = strdup(tmp);
134  printf("Subject [%s]: ", subject);
135  ic_fgets (tmp, sizeof tmp, stdin);
137  if ( tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] == '\n' )
138  tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = '\0';
139  if (strlen(tmp) != 0)
140  subject = strdup(tmp);
142  /* X400SetStrDefault(X400_S_LOG_CONFIGURATION_FILE, "x400api.xml", 0); */
143  X400Initialize("test_program");
145  status = X400MsgNew (X400_MSG_MESSAGE, &mp);
146  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
147  fprintf (stderr, "x400MsgNew returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
148  exit (status);
149  }
151  /* envelope originator OR address */
152  status = X400MsgAddStrParam (mp, X400_S_OR_ADDRESS, orn, (size_t)-1);
153  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
154  fprintf (stderr, "x400MsgAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
155  exit (status);
156  }
157  status = X400MsgAddStrParam (mp, X400_S_DIRECTORY_NAME, def_dn, (size_t)-1);
158  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
159  fprintf (stderr, "x400MsgAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
160  exit (status);
161  }
163  /* add originator into headers */
164  status = X400RecipNew (X400_ORIGINATOR, &origp);
165  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
166  fprintf (stderr, "x400RecipNew returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
167  exit (status);
168  }
170  /* put in DN part of OR Name */
171  status = X400RecipAddStrParam (origp, X400_S_DIRECTORY_NAME, def_dn, -1);
172  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
173  fprintf (stderr, "x400msRecipAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
174  exit (status);
175  }
177  /* put originator into message */
178  status = X400MsgAddRecip (mp, X400_ORIGINATOR, origp);
179  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
180  fprintf (stderr, "X400MsgAddRecip returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
181  exit (status);
182  }
183  printf("Put %s in as originator\n", def_dn);
185  /* add a recipient */
186  status = X400RecipNew (X400_RECIP_STANDARD, &rp);
187  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
188  fprintf (stderr, "x400msRecipNew returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
189  exit (status);
190  }
192  status = X400RecipAddStrParam (rp, X400_S_OR_ADDRESS, recip, -1);
193  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
194  fprintf (stderr, "x400msRecipAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
195  exit (status);
196  }
198  status = X400RecipAddStrParam (rp, X400_S_DIRECTORY_NAME, "CN=recipient;c=gb", -1);
199  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
200  fprintf (stderr, "x400msRecipAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
201  exit (status);
202  }
204  /* put recipient into message */
205  status = X400MsgAddRecip (mp, X400_RECIP_STANDARD, rp);
206  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
207  fprintf (stderr, "X400MsgAddRecip returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
208  exit (status);
209  }
210  printf("Put %s in as recipient\n", recip);
214  /* Ask for delivery reports */
215  printf("delivery report request %d ( 1 - No, 2 - Yes)\n", x400_dr_req);
216  status = X400RecipAddIntParam (rp, X400_N_REPORT_REQUEST, x400_dr_req);
217  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
218  fprintf (stderr, "x400RecipAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
219  exit (status);
220  }
222  /* Ask for read receipts */
223  printf("read notification request %d ( 1 - RN, 2 - NRN, 4 - return of IPM with NRN )\n", x400_rn_req);
224  status = X400msRecipAddIntParam (rp, X400_N_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST, x400_rn_req);
225  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
226  fprintf (stderr, "x400msRecipAddIntParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
227  exit (status);
228  }
230  if (1) {
231  char *contid = "ContID00001";
233  /* Content identifier so we can correlate with submission result */
234  status = X400MsgAddStrParam(mp, X400_S_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER, contid, (size_t)-1);
235  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
236  fprintf (stderr, "X400msMsgAddIntParam %d returned error: %s\n",
238  exit (status);
239  }
240  }
242  /* content return request on report - 0 = no */
244  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
245  fprintf (stderr, "X400msMsgAddIntParam %d returned error: %s\n",
247  exit (status);
248  }
250  /* Priority: 0 - normal, 1 - non-urgent, 2 - urgent */
251  printf("message priority is %d ( 0 - normal, 1 - non-urgent, 2 - urgent)\n",
252  x400_default_priority);
253  status = X400MsgAddIntParam (mp, X400_N_PRIORITY, x400_default_priority);
254  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) return (status);
256  /* Priority: 0 - normal, 1 - non-urgent, 2 - urgent */
257  printf("military message priority is %d ( 0 - low, 1 - high)\n",
258  x400_default_priority);
260  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) return (status);
262  /* subject */
263  status = X400MsgAddStrParam (mp, X400_S_SUBJECT, subject, (size_t)-1);
264  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
265  fprintf (stderr, "x400msMsgAddStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
266  exit (status);
267  }
269  /* 8859-1 attachment */
270  status = X400MsgAddStrParam (mp, X400_T_ISO8859_1, text, (size_t)-1);
271  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
272  fprintf (stderr, "x400ms returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
273  exit (status);
274  }
276  status = X400MsgAddAttachment (mp, X400_T_IA5TEXT, text, strlen(text));
277  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
278  printf("failed to add X400_T_IA5TEXT BP\n");
279  return (status);
280  }
282  {
283  size_t length = 0;
285  /* write content to file */
287  buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
289  if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
290  fprintf (stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam returned error: %s\n", X400msError (status));
291  exit (status);
292  } else {
293  printf("X400MsgGetStrParam got %ld bytes of content\n", (long)length);
294  }
295  }
297  exit (status);
298  /* NOTREACHED */
299 }
301 static void usage(void) {
302  printf("usage: %s\n", optstr);
303  printf("\t where:\n");
304  printf("\t -u : Don't prompt to override defaults \n");
305  printf("\t -3 : Use P3 connection \n");
306  printf("\t -7 : Use P7 connection \n");
307  printf("\t -m : OR Address in P7 bind arg \n");
308  printf("\t -d : DN in P7 bind arg \n");
309  printf("\t -p : Presentation Address of P7 Store \n");
310  printf("\t -w : P7 password of P7 user \n");
311  printf("\t -M : OR Address in P3 bind arg \n");
312  printf("\t -D : DN in P3 bind arg \n");
313  printf("\t -P : Presentation Address of P3 server\n");
314  printf("\t -W : P3 password of P3 user \n");
315  printf("\t -o : Originator \n");
316  printf("\t -O : Originator Return Address \n");
317  printf("\t -r : Recipient\n");
318  printf("\t -l : Logline\n");
319  printf("\t -y : Priority (0 - normal, 1 - non-urgent, 2 - urgent \n");
320  printf("\t -C : Content Type (2/22/772/OID) \n");
321  printf("\t -i : Implicit conversion prohibited = TRUE \n");
322  printf("\t -a : Alternate Recipient Prohibited = TRUE \n");
323  printf("\t -q : Content Return Request = TRUE \n");
324  printf("\t -s : Disclosure of Recipient = FALSE \n");
325  printf("\t -A : Recipient Reassignment Prohibited = FALSE \n");
326  printf("\t -v : Conversion with Loss Prohibited = FALSE \n");
327  printf("\t -f : Filename to transfer as binary bp\n");
328  printf("\t -k : Request Delivery Report\n");
329  printf("\t -K : Request Read Notification ( 1 - RN, 2 - NRN, 4 - return of IPM with NRN )\n");
330  return;
331 }
void X400msSetConfigRequest(int val)
Disable and enable configuration requests in MS Bind operations.
int X400Initialize(char *myname)
Initialize X.400 API.
Definition: x400_att.h:436
int X400RecipAddIntParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the recipient.
Definition: x400_att.h:767
int X400MsgAddIntParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the message.
int X400msRecipAddIntParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, int value)
Add integer-valued parameter to the message.
Definition: x400_att.h:397
#define X400_N_PRIORITY
Definition: x400_att.h:422
int X400MsgAddRecip(struct X400Message *mp, int reciptype, struct X400Recipient *recip)
Add a recipient object to the message.
int X400RecipAddStrParam(struct X400Recipient *rp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the recipient.
#define X400_ORIGINATOR
Definition: x400_att.h:305
#define X400_T_ISO8859_1
Definition: x400_att.h:809
int X400RecipNew(int type, struct X400Recipient **rpp)
Create a new recipient object.
const char * X400msError(int error)
Obtain a string describing the meaning of the given error code.
#define X400_T_IA5TEXT
Definition: x400_att.h:799
Definition: x400_att.h:341
Definition: x400_att.h:473
Definition: x400_att.h:414
#define X400_E_NOERROR
Definition: x400_att.h:46
Definition: x400_att.h:654
X400 MA/MS (P3/P7) Interface.
int X400MsgAddStrParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, const char *value, size_t length)
Add string-valued parameter to the message.
int X400MsgAddAttachment(struct X400Message *mp, int type, const char *string, size_t length)
Add an attachment to the message.
int X400MsgGetStrParam(struct X400Message *mp, int paramtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *paramlenp)
Return a string-valued parameter from the message object.
#define X400_S_SUBJECT
Definition: x400_att.h:723
Definition: x400_att.h:676
int X400MsgNew(int type, struct X400Message **mpp)
Creates new message.
#define X400_MSG_MESSAGE
Definition: x400_att.h:29
#define X400_S_OR_ADDRESS
Definition: x400_att.h:349