Class Bodypart

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    BodypartForwardedMessage, BodypartFTBP, BodypartGeneralText, BodypartIA5Text, BodypartTeletex

    public class Bodypart
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a message bodypart, which is one instance of possible several pieces of information associated with a single message.

    Bodyparts have a series of common attributes, like the type and size, that can be accessed in a common way.

    Some specific bodyparts inherit from this class, and provide other methods to access things like file name or character sets. This class should not be confused with the similarly named BodyPart class, which is part of the "standard" X.400. This class contains an object of BodyPart class.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Bodypart.Bodypart_Type  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Bodypart​(Bodypart.Bodypart_Type type)
      Create a brand new Bodypart object
      Bodypart​(BodyPart bp_obj)
      Create a new Bodypart using an existing BodyPart object, which is the one used by the standard X.400 Java API.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      BodyPart getBodypartObject()
      Returns the standard X.400 API bodypart object, that may be needed for advanced processing
      byte[] getByteParam​(int param)
      Returns a byte array parameter value in the bodypart object.
      int getIntParam​(int param)
      Returns an integer parameter value in the bodypart object.
      int getSize()
      Returns the size of message bodypart in bytes.
      java.lang.String getStringParam​(int param)
      Returns a String parameter value in the bodypart object An exception is thrown if the value cannot be read.
      Bodypart.Bodypart_Type getType()
      Returns the type of message bodypart as a Bodypart_Type
      java.lang.String getTypeAsString()
      Returns the type of message bodypart
      void saveBP​(java.lang.String filename)
      Save this Bodypart to a file.
      void setByteParam​(int param, byte[] value)
      Sets a byte array parameter value in the bodypart object.
      void setIntParam​(int param, int value)
      Sets an integer parameter value in the bodypart object.
      void setSize​(int bs)
      Sets the size of message bodypart in bytes
      void setStringParam​(int param, java.lang.String value)
      Sets a String parameter value in the bodypart object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • bodypart_size

        public int bodypart_size
        The size of the bodypart, in bytes
    • Method Detail

      • getBodypartObject

        public BodyPart getBodypartObject()
        Returns the standard X.400 API bodypart object, that may be needed for advanced processing
      • setIntParam

        public void setIntParam​(int param,
                                int value)
                         throws X400APIException
        Sets an integer parameter value in the bodypart object. An exception is thrown if the value cannot be set.

        This method assumes that you know what is the int value associated with the parameter that you want to set, and what is a valid value to associate with it.

        param - The param is one of the parameters listed in X400_attConstants
        value -
      • getIntParam

        public int getIntParam​(int param)
                        throws X400APIException
        Returns an integer parameter value in the bodypart object. If the parameter is not present, then -1 is returned. An exception is thrown if the value cannot be read for any other reason.

        This method assumes that you know what is the int value associated with the parameter that you want to read

        param - The param is one of the parameters listed in X400_attConstants
      • setStringParam

        public void setStringParam​(int param,
                                   java.lang.String value)
                            throws X400APIException
        Sets a String parameter value in the bodypart object. An exception is thrown if the value cannot be set.

        This method assumes that you know what is the int value associated with the parameter that you want to set, and what is a valid value to associate with it.

        param - The param is one of the parameters listed in X400_attConstants
        value -
      • getStringParam

        public java.lang.String getStringParam​(int param)
                                        throws X400APIException
        Returns a String parameter value in the bodypart object An exception is thrown if the value cannot be read.

        This method assumes that you know what is the int value associated with the parameter that you want to read

        param - The param is one of the parameters listed in X400_attConstants
      • setByteParam

        public void setByteParam​(int param,
                                 byte[] value)
                          throws X400APIException
        Sets a byte array parameter value in the bodypart object. An exception is thrown if the value cannot be set.

        This method assumes that you know what is the int value associated with the parameter that you want to set, and what is a valid value to associate with it.

        param - The param is one of the parameters listed in X400_attConstants
        value -
      • getByteParam

        public byte[] getByteParam​(int param)
                            throws X400APIException
        Returns a byte array parameter value in the bodypart object.

        This method assumes that you know what is the int value associated with the parameter that you want to read

        Normally used only for FTBP and Binary bodyparts, to read the X400_att.X400_S_BODY_DATA parameter. An exception is thrown if the value cannot be read.

        param - The param is one of the parameters listed in X400_attConstants
      • getTypeAsString

        public java.lang.String getTypeAsString()
        Returns the type of message bodypart
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Returns the size of message bodypart in bytes. If the value is not known, return -1
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(int bs)
        Sets the size of message bodypart in bytes
      • saveBP

        public void saveBP​(java.lang.String filename)
                    throws X400APIException
        Save this Bodypart to a file. Only a subset of supported bodyparts can be saved to a file at present. These include:
        filename - : the file where to save the bodypart