Package com.isode.x400.highlevel
Class Summary Class Description Bodypart Represents a message bodypart, which is one instance of possible several pieces of information associated with a single message.BodypartForwardedMessage This class represents a Forwarded Message bodypart.BodypartFTBP This class represents a File Transfer bodypart.BodypartGeneralText This class represents a General Text bodypart.BodypartIA5Text This class represents a IA5Text bodypart.BodypartTeletex This class represents a Teletex bodypart.ListResult Result of a LIST operation on a connection to a P7 Message Store.P3BindSession Abstracts the connection used for submission to a P3 channel and/or P7 message store The documentation in the examples here refer to P3 channel.P7BindSession Abstracts the connection to a P7 Message StoreReceiveMsg Message read from a P7 Message Store or the MTA via P3Recipient Provides a class that abstracts the recipient of a message.RecipientTools TraceInfoElementItem TraceInformation X400Msg Creates an X.400 message, preparing it to send it to the P3 channel or the P7 Message Store. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Bodypart.Bodypart_Type BodypartGeneralText.Charset Available charsets to use for General Text bodypartsListResult.List_status The status of a message in a Message Store mailbox can be one of three:
NEW - Never been fetched or listed
LISTED - It has been listed, but not fetched
FETCHED - The message has already been fetchedP7BindSession.Entry_Class X400Msg.DR_Request The originator or a message can request the MTA to generate a delivery report for a particular recipient.X400Msg.Military_Priority There are six standard values for military message priority in X.400.X400Msg.X400_Message_Type Represents one of the message types (message, report, probe or submitted message).X400Msg.X400_Priority There are three standard values for message priority in X.400. -
Exception Summary Exception Description BadDNException A class representing an exception which can be thrown as a result of an attempt to use an illegal Distinguished Name or Relative Distinguished NameFileException Thrown when a file operation fails.NotBoundException Thrown when a bind attempt fails, or an attempt is made to communicate with the Message Store or MTA channel before a successful bind has been performed, or after a connection has been lost.X400APIException Base class representing exception conditions that can be thrown by the Java X.400 API classes.